Celebrating Miss Eartha M. M. White
Eartha Mary Magdalene White (November 8, 1876-January 18, 1974), a prominent African-American resident of Jacksonville, Florida, was widely known for her humanitarian and philanthropic endeavors in northeast Florida. Eartha M. M. White was involved in improving education, medical care, businesses, and her community overall.
She founded the Clara White Mission to help the Jacksonville community. Before opening the Clara White Mission in 1904, Miss White was known as the "Angel of Mercy" for feeding poor and hungry people in the community from a soup kitchen based out of her home.
The items you find here are curated from the Eartha M. M. White Collection of over a thousand items and include her personal papers, letters, documents, notes, photographs, and other memorabilia, and show Miss White and her community celebrating her birthday. Please join us in celebrating Miss Eartha M. M. White and all she has done for Jacksonville and Northeast Florida.
Listen to a speech made by Miss Eartha M. M. White on the occasion of her 95th birthday, November 8, 1971, at the Civic Auditorium Little Theater, Jacksonville, Florida. Audio captured from an original recording that was poor quality. Transcription available.
Curated by Tracey Britton