Demographic and characteristic analysis on Duval County female offenders prepared for the Mayor’s Advisory Commission on the Status of Women by Dr. Christine Rasche, Dr. Linda Foley, and Linnie Hilliard Finley of the Jacksonville Urban League

<span style="display:block; text-align:center;">Demographic and characteristic analysis on Duval County female offenders prepared for the Mayor's Advisory Commission on the Status of Women by Dr. Christine Rasche, Dr. Linda Foley, and Linne Hilliard Finley of the Jacksonville Urban League.<br><a href=">Report available in General and Special Collections at call number HV6046.R345.</a></span>

1973 Florida Times-Union and Journal article about Dr. Rasche’s work in expanding roles for women in policing and criminal justice

<span style="display:block; text-align:center;">A Jacksonville Journal article covered Dr. Rasche's appointment to the Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women.<br> <a href="">Click to access a PDF of this article.</a></style>

Pages from Pamphlet Women and the Law. April 22 1978.jpg

<span style="display:block; text-align:center;"> This page is a part of a pamphlet titled Women and the Law produced by the Mayor's Advisory Commission on the Status of Women.<br> <a href="">Click to access a PDF of the item.</a></span>

Jacksonville Journal article about public hearing sponsored by the Jacksonville Women’s Rape Crisis Center and the Mayor’s Advisory Commission on the Status of Women, moderated by Dr. Rasche.

<span style="display:block; text-align:center;">1975 Jacksonville Journal article about a public hearing sponsored by the Jacksonville Women's Rape Crisis Center and the Mayor's Advisory Commission on the Status of Women, moderated by Dr. Rasche.<br><a href="">Click to access a PDF of this article.</span>