Groundbreaking Mathews Computer Center, March 14, 1987
Speakers describe the many contributions of John E. Mathews, Jr. to the life of the Jacksonville region and how the new computer science building will contribute to the educational opportunities in the area. The initiation of a joint University of Florida/University of North Florida baccalaureate degree program in electrical engineering is celebrated as part of the festivities. Includes exterior shots of the campus.
Publication Date
Jacksonville, Florida
Suggested Citation
University of North Florida, "Groundbreaking Mathews Computer Center, March 14, 1987" (1987). University Events and History Multimedia. 12.

Program held March 14, 1987 on the campus of the University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Fla. Presenters include: Curtis McCray, President of the University; Marshall Criser, President of the University of Florida; Charlie Reed, Chancellor of the State University System of Florida; Mathews family members also provide comments.