Episode 9, Instruction Request Podcast, Languages & Linguistics
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In Episode 9, Librarians from the Instruction Unit of the Thomas G Carpenter Library talk about Languages & Linguistics resources available for faculty, staff, and students at the University of North Florida. Lauren Odom, the instruction librarian, reviews the Languages, Literatures, and Cultures LibGuide and the Mango Languages and the Acidas Database. A reminder to watch the Library Calendar for Librarian availability is put forth by Beryl White-Bing, the virtual learning librarian, with the schedule of Librarians who will be manning the Instruction Zoom Room during those hours. Also, students are reminded to apply for the Deans Leadership Council Library Research Prize. Beryl introduces the Language Lab VR Application which offers real instruction in 20 languages in VR. Finally, the Library VR Champion Martha Garcia is interviewed. She is an adjunct instructor who brings her Beginning Spanish students to the VLC to explore Spanish cultures around the world in VR.
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Library guide https://libguides.unf.edu/sb.php?subject_id=37778
Mango Languages Database (Access is restricted to UNF Faculty Students and staff only) https://go.openathens.net/redirector/unf.edu?url=https://connect.mangolanguages.com/unf/start?target=guest_mode
Acceda Noticias Database (Access is restricted to UNF Faculty Students and staff only) https://go.openathens.net/redirector/unf.edu?url=https%3A%2F%2Finfoweb.newsbank.com%2Fapps%2Fnews%2Fbrowse-multi%3Fp%3DAWNB%26t%3Dcollection%253AANOT%21Acceda%2BNoticias
Thomas G Carpenter Library Calendar https://unf.libcal.com/calendar/
DLC Library Research Prize https://libguides.unf.edu/giving/research_prize-info
Language Lab VR https://store.steampowered.com/app/2057000/Language_Lab/
Martha Garcia, adjunct Instructor of Spanish. https://webapps.unf.edu/faculty/bio/N00829459
University of North Florida's Library home page - https://www.unf.edu/library/
The Virtual Learning Center - https://libguides.unf.edu/VLC
Recorded and edited by Andy Rush at the UNF Center for Instructional Research and Technology. https://www.unf.edu/cirt/creative-Vid...
The Instruction Request Image: Chatgpt. (2024). Chatgpt (Plus). https://openai.com/chatgpt/
The Instruction Request theme song: Udio. (2024). Udio. https://www.udio.com/
Publication Date:
AI; Artificial Intelligence; Generative AI; Instruction; Pedagogy
Higher Education | Library and Information Science | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Recommended Citation
White-Bing, Beryl and Odom, Lauren, "Episode 9, Instruction Request Podcast, Languages & Linguistics" (2025). Instruction Request Podcast. 9.
Controlled Terms
University of North Florida. -- Instructional videos; University of North Florida – Faculty – Services for – Archives; Artificial intelligence -- Educational applications – Instructional videos; Artificial intelligence -- Research applications – Instructional videos; University of North Florida -- Educational technology – Instructional videos; Artificial intelligence -- Application software – Instructional videos; Artificial intelligence -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Activity programs