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Jack Kleinsinger presents Highlights in Jazz. The concert was held at NYU Loeb Student Center, Thursday, October 5th, 1989 at 8:00pm in association with NYU program board. Jack served as producer and master of ceremonies for the series of concerts. Artists for the concert include Odetta, Laurel Masse, Carline Ray, Willene Barton, Sherrie Maricle and Bertha Hope. Dorothy Donegan was unable to attend. Special guest: Dean Rolandi, Terry Waldo, Greg Cohn and Martha Frazier.

Streaming Media

Concert Audio Stream

Additional Streaming Media

Video Interview Stream


Music | Music Performance


The scrapbook contains clippings and photographs.

Rights and Access Note

A message of thanks and appreciation to Local 802, American Federation of Musicians, by Professor Danny Gottlieb, Lifetime member of local 802, New York, and currently, local 257, Nashville.
This concert audio collection is made available through the generosity of The American Federation of Musicians, Local 802, New York City, of which Dr. Kleinsinger was an avid supporter. All of the musicians performing on these concerts have been paid through Union Contract, and are protected and will reap the benefits provided by this contract and Union membership.
We encourage ALL musicians to join their local Musician's Union in order to receive all of the benefits that they have earned and so greatly deserve. These concerts are made available for educational and study purposes only. They are not available for copying, sampling or any use without written consent of local 802.

Highlights in Jazz Concert 136 - Women of Jazz



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