
Item Type
Creation Date
Postcard: Residence Section of Jacksonville, Florida corner of Laura and Ashley streets; October 6, 1908 (238)
Published by M. Mark Jacksonville, Florida
On the back is a note written to Claudia Wilcher c/o Mrs. J. D. Wilcher that reads:
My Dear Claudia, I hope you and (illegible) and mamma and papa are all well and doing well. I hope you and Ruby are going to school and are learning nicely hug and kiss mama, Papa, and Ruby for me. Tell mama that I am waiting for a letter from her I sent Ruby a card 3 weeks ago we are all well here you must write to me and tell Ruby to write to me. Your loving grand papa T. J. Mott
Front and Back
Recommended Citation
Postcard: Residence Section of Jacksonville, Florida Corner of Laura and Ashley Streets. 1908. Richard Mette Collection. University of North Florida, Thomas G. Carpenter Library Special Collections and Archives. UNF Digital Commons,