
Faculty Mentor

Sheila Goloborotko, M.F.A. and Andrew Kozlowski, M.F.A.

Faculty Mentor Department

Department of Art, Art History and Design


We come from different places and different backgrounds. Our lives are a constant trial and error. Our past lives on and makes us bloom into the people that we are today. I want to share my story to create a safe place to talk about our trajectories. In a place of darkness and sadness that I sat in for so long, a bright light and a flower grew through it all within me. I have been bullied, abused, and sexually assaulted. I take that as not a place of weakness but a place of strength. I stand strong to be a voice to those who have been through the rough facets of this world. I am here to say that the light will always be brighter. I present my pain and vulnerability for everyone to see it. I want to feel connected and be a role model for those fighting every day to keep their heads up. There is so much space for growth within every individual, and as a survivor myself, I know my hand will always be open to help those who need it.
