
Faculty Mentor

Dr. David Hoppey, Associate Professor

Faculty Mentor Department

Exceptional, Deaf and Interpreter Education


The purpose of this inquiry was to determine the benefits and challenges of support facilitation in an inclusive classroom. To answer our inquiry questions, we (UNF ESE teacher candidates) collected data on general education (GE) teachers and the varying exceptional (VE) teachers’ perceptions of support facilitation at Coastal Middle School through surveys, observational walkthroughs, and teacher interviews. From the data, we discovered benefits and challenges in four overarching categories: teachers’ perceptions, collaboration, instruction, and student engagement themes. As a result of the data, we recommended that Coastal Middle School outline clear and explicit roles for both the GE teacher and the special education teacher during the co-planning and co-teaching process, train the teachers on how to co-plan together, inform them of co-teaching methods they can use, and to create a schedule where the VE teacher only needs to focus on one class during each period.
