"The Leftovers" by Jessie M. Roncevic

Faculty Mentor

Will Pewitt MFA

Faculty Mentor Department

Department of English


Though our species is relatively young on the world time scale, we have drastically reshaped our planet and impacted many other species. Our latest advancements in AI technology could revolutionize entire industries, the environment, and society more than any other human invention. While this new technology could transform human society for the better, some have expressed anxieties over the rapid rise of an unregulated industry whose consequences on the social, political, environmental, and economic systems are difficult to predict. The impacts of advancing artifical intelligence (AI) and artificial general intelligence (AGI) technology are difficult to imagine, even for those at the helm of this rapidly advancing technology. I started researching AI several years ago because I wanted to know how AI could transform the environment but there was very little information about that topic, so I stuck with reading about the history of AI and the way it was already changing our society. My research about AI technology influenced my writing. For my research into AI and AGI, I used books, interviews, articles, videos, and I went to an AI conference. I also conducted personal interviews with several people about their perception and anxiety of the rising AI and AGI technology. Through science fiction writing, I imagine unfamiliar environments and how they could shape humankind. In this story, which is my first fiction story, I focused on the possible effects of rapidly advancing technology on identity, motherhood, family, and humankind, for which I also researched the idea of transferring consciousness into a synthetic body.

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