The Most Worshipful Union, Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated, Florida and Belize, Central American, Incorporated has been active in Jacksonville, Florida for over 150 years. The Grand Lodge, built in 1913, at Broad Street and Duval Street was founded through the combined efforts of members throughout Florida.

The Order of the Eastern Star is an auxiliary society to the Masonic Fraternity. Membership was initially comprised of women who were a wife, widow, mother, daughter or sister of a Master Mason.

The Masons provided mutual aid to African Americans and were involved in improving conditions for the community. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge established a fund to care for the family of deceased members of the lodges under the umbrella of the Grand Lodge of Florida. Prince Hall Masons were active in civil rights and social change.

Group Portrait, Pride Of Ruth Chapter #336

Group Portrait, Pride Of Ruth Chapter #336

Free and Accepted Masons of Florida, The Crisis, January 1942

<span style="display:block: text-align:center:"> The Crisis magazine from January 1942 an article and photograph of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida in Jacksonville.<br><a href="">Click to access a PDF of this article.</a></style> <a href="">Click to access The Crisis magazine.</a></style>