Paper Type
Master's Thesis
College of Arts and Sciences
Degree Name
Master of Arts in General Psychology (MAGP)
NACO controlled Corporate Body
University of North Florida. Department of Psychology
First Advisor
Dr. Elizabeth Brown
Second Advisor
Dr. Sarah Ainsworth
Third Advisor
Dr. Curtis Phills
Department Chair
Dr. Lori Lange
College Dean
Dr. Keith Moon
The current research aims to integrate previous research on the host of negative consequences associated with women’s experience of stereotype threat in a science context. Using an expectancy-value framework, the current research explores potential indirect effects of a communal goal affordance intervention on science motivation, via stereotype threat, state anxiety, communal goal affordances, and belonging in science. Building upon the previous literature, the current research attempts to link stereotype threat to science motivation via communal goal affordances and state anxiety’s effect on belonging in science. Additionally, the current research attempts to illustrate the efficacy of a communal goal affordance intervention by increasing perceptions of communal goal affordances and reducing anxiety in a science context. The current study found no evidence of a successful implementation of the communal goal affordance intervention, as evident by non-significant results on parametric and non-parametric tests of central tendencies between interaction type. Additionally, no indirect effects on science motivation were discovered within either tested pathway. However, a significant positive relationship between stereotype threat and state anxiety, communal goal affordances and belonging in science, and belonging in science and science motivation were found. Limitations to the current study and the communal goal affordance intervention, as well as the implications for these findings and future directions for research are discussed.
Suggested Citation
Mercurio, Dominic George IV, "Testing a Communal Goal Affordance Intervention for Increasing Women's S.T.E.M. Motivation" (2017). UNF Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 752.