This collection contains electronically submitted and retrospectively digitized graduate-level theses, dissertations, and doctoral projects for which we have received an availability agreement. Beginning with the fall of 2012, all theses and dissertations have been submitted through UNF Digital Commons. Other theses, dissertations, and projects are available in paper format and may be found using the library’s catalog.
The views and opinions reflected on Digital Commons are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the University of North Florida.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Asare, Irene (2024), Development of targeted training programs through exploration of barriers and enablers for the use of the Nutrition Care Process among a diverse sample of registered dietitian/nutritionists
Asbury, Nicholas Dean (2024), Processing of NiTi SMA for high reflectivity applications
Beaudrie, Mikayla (2024), Rhetorical (re)inscription practices among black intercollegiate football participants in the era of name, image and likeness
Bennett, Alyah (2024), Assessing unoccupied aircraft and ground-based methods for detecting differences in intertidal oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reef structure
Best, Lisa C. (2024), Clearing ethnic minority roadblocks to entry into the field of dietetics: A mixed analysis
Bhakharia, Harsh S. (2024), Implementation of algorithms for sorting by strip swaps using alternating cycle graphs
Bongiovanni, Valentina (2024), Exploring parental engagement in a family STEM program leveraging social media spaces
Booshi, Saeed (2024), Development of erosion functions for MICP-treated beach sand
Brown, Easter M. (2024), The perceptions of black women in principalships on navigating and negotiating the racial contexts of their equity-focused leadership: A Q methodology study
Canoura, Deborah G. (2024), Autonomy, motivation, and creativity in the visual art room: An educational criticism and exploratory case study of a TAB studio
Cantor, Jeremy A. (2024), A memory efficient deep recurrent Q-learning approach for autonomous wildfire surveillance
Chavarria, Raul A. (2024), Functional investigation of shaggy, an inhibitor of canonical Wnt signaling, in the tardigrade Hypsibius exemplaris
Crawshaw, Charlene H. (2024), Passperfect: A secure one time password authentication system
Datta, Partha Protim (2024), A clustering-based approached to analyze impacts of digital divide on undercounting issues in census in Florida
Diaz Luquis, Giselle Marie (2024), Impact of gastrostomy feeding tube placement among veterans with dementia: A retrospective analysis
Dobrow, Molly (2024), Investigating the role of tesserae in energy absorption in shark cartilage
Dunton, Megan Elizabeth (2024), An enhanced evaluation of bioslurry for use in coastal erosion mitigation
Flanagan, Kira (2024), Integrating therapy into play: Stand-on ride-on for a child with cerebral palsy
Foley, Katherine E. (2024), Florida queer K12 teachers perceptions of school climate under “don’t say gay”
Gandhi, Dharani (2024), Enhancing manufacturing efficiency through advanced vision system and RFID technology integration
Gaubert, Allison (2024), An exploration of the use of nutrition care process terminology by registered dietitian nutritionists in providing medical nutrition therapy to breastfeeding dyads
Geller, Jessica (2024), Examining potential causal associations of sedentary time and physical activity with heart failure using subjective and objective measures: A mendelian randomization analysis
Goldman, Barbara Jan (2024), Food insecurity and eating disorders in college students: Two scoping reviews
Harrigan, Christopher (2024), Analysis of shoreline erosion at Cumberland Island using advanced circulation (ADCIRC) modeling
Iannone, Jamie Mikelle Pearson (2024), Navigating unknown complexities: School superintendent perspectives of leading during COVID
Jackson, Stephanie Gomez (2024), Examining teachers' perceptions of culturally responsive teaching practices and the impact on the academic and social-emotional success of black and brown boys in voluntary prekindergarten classrooms: A qualitative study
Jenkins, Marlena L. (2024), Infusing universal design for learning with trauma-informed educational practice: What early childhood personnel think and how they'll pull it off
Kambagha, Walid (2024), Comparative analysis: Advanced model improvements from YOLOv8, YOLOv9 and YOLOv10 in traffic analysis
Komeilian, Pooya (2024), Spatial equity in accessing critical facilities during hurricanes
Kordek, Emma (2024), High-quality dietary protein (essential amino acids matched to reproductive needs) partially breaks the lifespan and reproduction trade-off in lubber grasshoppers
Kulbaka, Iliya (2024), Robotic gas source localization and distribution mapping via deep reinforcement learning
LaBonte, Luc R. (2024), Attitudes towards the nutrition care process and nutrition care process terminology among United States dietetics educators, preceptors, and students undergoing supervised practice
LaFargue, Kadeem (2024), Factors influencing household travel behavior and trip distances in Florida: A rural vs. urban perspective
Lamichhane, Prajwol (2024), Explainable automated inconsistency detection in biomedical and health literature
Larson, Ava Vasile (2024), Turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) undergoes a coordinated hypersensitive response when challenged with pathogenic Labyrinthula sp.
Lee, Hyo Won (2024), Enhancing comfort and sustainability: Analyzing the impact of natural ventilation and eco-friendly materials on indoor temperature reduction
Leung, Doretta (2024), The impact of a pediatric interdisciplinary outpatient feeding clinic on preterm infant weight gain and caregiver compliance with feeding recommendations
Lopez, Chloe (2024), Xenophobia, the global war on terror, and refugee policy in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe
Lopez, Ruth Y. (2024), The impact of online course enrollment of first-year student engagement and campus life
Malila, Makaya S. (2024), A method for investigation of small-scale morphologic change around low crested oyster-based structures
Marchio, Jamie (2024), Rose Nourish to Flourish obesity prevention program targeting children at risk for food insecurity in Jacksonville, Florida
Marconi, Jessica D. (2024), Gröbner bases with an application to tame functions
McKinney, Marva (2024), Exploring the lived experiences of title I elementary school principals and youth mental health: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Mougeot, Lucas S. (2024), Development and characterization of ceramic devices for capillary action in microgravity for the purpose of growing vegetables in space
Nguyen, Vi (2024), Linear topological space
Nott, Demi M. (2024), Sleep, sedentary time, and physical activity in heart failure subtypes: Multi-ethnic study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
O'Berry, Jonathan (2024), Media haze classification in retinal images using deep learning
Patterson Holsworth, Aubrey C. (2024), Can a phycosphere associated bacterium be used as a biological control for floating algal mats?
Prudnikova, Valeria (2024), Organizational support and its impact on mental health in humanitarian aid volunteers
Rogers, Kendal N. (2024), Exploring the welfare of a captive population of Cownose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) through social and resource interactions
Roker, Kris (2024), Understanding and augmenting scientific software testing practices
Roster, Michael Andrew (2024), Laboratory measurements of wave transmission through oyster-based low crested breakwaters
Ruliffson, Jennifer E. (2024), Process, structure, & property investigation of gallium-based metallic alloys processed at room temperature
Sayed, Ahmed A. (2024), Large language models for multimodal user interaction in a virtual environment
Sharpe, Shannon Lynn (2024), Endophytic fungi associated with galls and host plants of Asphondylia borrichiae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
Smith, Ashley (2024), Illness representations as a predictor of depression severity and treatment seeking in college students
Smith, Stephanie Jean (2024), Power of partnership: The effects of parent training in aided-language input on the use of core vocabulary boards in the homes of preschool children: A program evaluation
Taylor, Talya M. (2024), Exploring the perspectives of teenage tutors who tutor elementary students in a one-to-one reading tutoring program
Thomas, Genelle C. (2024), Moving beyond the barriers: Understanding how youth development professionals advocate for disability inclusion within mentoring programs
Tiu, Daniel B. (2024), Transformer-enabled deep reinforcement learning for coverage path planning
Tubuntoeng, Phadungsak (2024), Anomaly detection approaches of energy storage systems using Kalman filter and machine learning techniques
Vannaman, Hunter Ray (2024), Potentiating effects of interim tests and metacognitive judgments on future learning
Vogel, Haley M. (2024), A new perspective on teacher attrition and retention: What can be learned from teachers that continue in the profession, the stayers?
Wallwork, Madison (2024), The effects of human-driven land use change on American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) nesting patterns
Washington, Whitney K. (2024), Gender equity: The perception of career advancement in higher education
Welsh, Jade (2024), Influence of heat treatment and shielding gas environment on the very high cycle fatigue behavior of 17-4 precipitation hardened stainless steel
Wilson, Sarah A. (2024), The joint effects of cognitive function and sedentary time on mortality risk in older adults: 2011-2014 NHANES
Worthington, Sarah (2024), Evaluating the use of baited remote underwater video (BRUV) in assessing shark and fish populations in a low visibility estuarine system, the Tolomato River, FL, USA
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Alcantara, Alexandria R. (2023), Investigations into the electronic and magnetic properties of (CrPS4)n layers
Alexander, NKosi (2023), The Lie algebra sl2(C) and Krawtchouk polynomials
Bairen, Nathan (2023), Exploring Mottness and Electronic Order in Strongly Correlated Vanadate Thin Films
Baker, Lindsay Nicole (2023), Relation between parent feeding and emotional overeating in preschoolers as mediated by emotion regulation
Bannister Roby, Natalya R. (2023), Triumph after Trauma: A Phenomenological Exploration into Women Survivor’s Perceptions of the Influence of Trauma on their Leadership
Barrett, Sydney C. (2023), Examining Predictors of Academic Success among STEM and non-STEM College Students
Bayati, Zeinab (2023), Sustainable Transportation: Behavioral Analysis of Working-from-Home and Electric Vehicles Adoption
Benton, Crishana Dionne (2023), Running the gauntlet: Barriers for Black women academics in higher education research productivity
Bernanke, Matthew (2023), The effect of environmental factors on movement patterns and habitat use of young-of-the-year scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) in the Tolomato River nursery
Bissainthe, Roshonda (2023), Eye of the Tiger: Does Cultural Mismatch Affect the Evaluation of Graduate Program Brochures?
Boopathy, Kavyaa (2023), Investigation on the influence of augmented reality adoption and cybersecurity in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry
Boyd, Lauren E. (2023), An application of virtual reality technology for adult diagnosis of Developmental Coordination Disorder
Boyne, Ciarra Ashley (2023), Association between objectively-measured sedentary time and self-reported prescription medication use among adults: A pilot study
Brunnig, Sarah D. (2023), Curriculum Strategy to Increase College Student’s Motivation, Ability and Opportunity Resulting in Reduction in Wasted Food
Bukuru, Kabhabhela C. (2023), Exploring of user experience and evaluating mobility benefits of micromobility systems and golf carts: Case study of Florida
Byemerwa, Irene Josephat (2023), Predicting Florida's extreme wind events: A deep learning approach
Camden, Megan R. (2023), Effects of Altering Physiologically Relevant Cholesterol Levels and Media Types on Porin Gene Expression in Klebsiella pneumoniae and the Resulting Impact on Antibiotic Resistance
Castellon Escobar, Cesar Enrique (2023), Energy-efficient HMAC for wireless communications
Collie, Angel (2023), Gender and race influence young adults' impressions of people with dementia
Cope, Lauren E. (2023), Analysis of Pervious Oyster Shell Habitat (POSH) Unit Performance Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Crawford, Abigail Brooke (2023), Illness Stigma, Social Connectedness, and Health in People living with Chronic Illness: A Structural Equation Model
Derban, Alvenia Effie (2023), Homecoming: Examining built relationships that influence historically black college and university student experiences
Eames, William J. III (2023), Changing tides: Online conspiracy theory use by radical violent extremist groups over time
Ebri, Nadine (2023), Shaping teachers’ behavioral intentions to use DGBL: Understanding the key insights teachers garner from a research-based DGBL professional development design
Evans, Eduardo Jose (2023), Elliptic functions and iterative algorithms for π
Ezeobinwa, Chito A.; Stewart-Brown, Dawn; and Toledo, Angela M. (2023), Early screening for depression in adults with diabetes in the outpatient setting
Farjian, Marie (2023), Exploring the Perceptions of Recent High School Graduates Regarding Pk-12 School Safety Measures Considering Increased Occurrences of Mass School Shootings: A Q Method Study
Faulkner, Justin Reid (2023), Florida’s Principals’ Perceptions of Their Principal Preparation Program: A Study of How Preparation Programs Impact Efficacy as a School Principal
Friedman, Emily N. (2023), Reentry for registered sex offenders: Navigating stigma post-release
Green, Tiffany L. (2023), The perceptions of principal preparation programs from the perspectives of non-reappointed principals
Halim, Abdul (2023), The role of the United States in advancing democracy in developing countries: The case of Bangladesh, 2008-2020