This collection contains electronically submitted and retrospectively digitized graduate-level theses, dissertations, and doctoral projects for which we have received an availability agreement. Beginning with the fall of 2012, all theses and dissertations have been submitted through UNF Digital Commons. Other theses, dissertations, and projects are available in paper format and may be found using the library’s catalog.
The views and opinions reflected on Digital Commons are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the University of North Florida.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Anderson, Brenda Carol (2015), Non-Lethal Methods for Assessing Reproductive Status in Bonnethead Sharks (Sphyrna tiburo)
Andolina, Tiffany Lucille (2015), Self-Monitoring and Romantic Relationships: Individual Differences in Romantic Jealousy
Antonio, Lilyeth (2015), Misinformation and Need for Cognition: How They Affect False Memories
Bell, Emily A. (2015), The Relationship Between Illness Representations, Avoidant Coping, and Health Outcomes in People with Ongoing Symptoms of Chronic Illness
Bredesen, Michael H. (2015), The Simulation & Evaluation of Surge Hazard Using a Response Surface Method in the New York Bight
Brown, Amanda N. (2015), The Reproductive Biology of the Finetooth Shark, Carcharhinus isodon, in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Burnett, Aron J. (2015), Multi-Cultural Model of Relational Personhood and Implementing Philosophy for Children (P4C): A Refusal of the Illusion of Individualism in America
Cahill, Bethaney (2015), The Effect of O Antigen Loss on the Protein Composition and Inflammatory Response Elicited by Klebsiella pneumoniae
Call, Melissa Jewell (2015), Examination of Exceptional Student Educators’ Personal Practical Theories and the Implications for Practice
Cazeau, Stephanie (2015), Taking the Victim Out of Sexual Assault: The Effect of Self-Compassion on Sexual Assault Survivors
Charapko, Aleksey (2015), Time Series Similarity Search in Distributed Key-Value Data Stores Using R-Trees
Chawla, Lovelesh (2015), Use of IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management Solution to Demonstrate Traceability for Small, Real-World Software Development Project
Chim, Florence Yi Ting (2015), Sindbis Virus Entry of Mosquito Midgut Epithelia...Is NRAMP Involved?
Clough, Melanie Smith (2015), The Perspectives of Preschool Teachers on Instructional Coaching
Demissie, Henok Kefelegn (2015), Bottom Friction Assessment for Hydrodynamic Currents in the Lower St. Johns River
Dhoopa Harish, Priyanka (2015), Towards Designing Energy-Efficient Secure Hashes
Dunnigan, Shannon K. (2015), Habitat Value of Restored Intertidal Shoreline for Fish and Macrobenthic Communities in Northeast Florida
Esmaeili, Farzaneh (2015), The Difference Principle in Rawls: Pragmatic or Infertile?
Evans, Robert (2015), Integrating Security into the Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum
Floyd, Shelley Ann (2015), Neuropsychological, Cognitive and Physiological Implications of Barefoot Running on Working Memory
Gamal Eldin Tawfik, Ahmed (2015), Autonomous Small Scale Data-logger for Temperature Mapping
Gouge, Jeffrey B. (2015), A Targeted Denial of Service Attack on Data Caching Networks
Hart, Hannah (2015), Molecular Identification and Functional Characteristics of Peptide Transporter 1 (PEPT1) in the Bonnethead Shark (Sphyrna tiburo)
Higham, Bryan (2015), Soldiers and Civil Rights: The Impact of World War II on Jacksonville's African American Community, 1954-1960
Hoeppner, Joseph A. (2015), A Comparison of Cloud Computing Database Security Algorithms
Huang, Jici (2015), Sorting by Block Moves
James, Elle D. (2015), Characterization of a Biosynthetic Pathway Yielding Anticancer Natural Products from a Marine Bacterium
James, Lauren (2015), Parental Self-Efficacy: Development of a Measure to Reduce Children’s Contaminant Exposure
Johnson, Adrian Derrick (2015), Tapping into the Social Capital of African American Alumni of Urban High Schools
Keisling, Mai Dinh (2015), Community Leaders' Perceptions of Their Leadership Behaviors and Practices Used to Influence K-12 Public Education: A Q Methodology Study
Leary, Arianne Ella (2015), Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Deep Sea Fishes
Loesch, Matthew Allen (2015), My Own Worst Enemy: Exploring Factors that Predict Self-Harm
Mahanga, Mwaka (2015), Unknown Exception Handling Tool Using Humans as Agents
Maholland, Peter D. (2015), Effects of Prescribed Fire on Upland Plant Biodiversity and Abundance in Northeast Florida
Marques, Edward (2015), Effects of the Exotic Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) on the Growth and Survival of the Threatened Hooded Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia minor)
McAdams, Sean (2015), Virtualization Components of the Modern Hypervisor
Michaud, Nicholas (2015), Role Tension in the Academy: A Philosophical Inquiry into Faculty Teaching and Research
Miller, Deborah F. (2015), Analyzing the Effect of Individual Factors and Organizational Context on Faculty Participation in Online Teaching
Perrine, Cameron M. (2015), Family Stressors and Problem Behaviors of At-Risk Elementary School Girls: A Latent Class Analysis
Powe, Ouida Y. (2015), The Jacksonville Commitment Scholars Program: Graduates’ Perceptions of Supports and Challenges
Provenzano, Andrew (2015), Adapting to Water Scarcity: Effects of Irrigation Management
Richardson, Stephen (2015), The Perceptions of Black Teachers Regarding Their Decision to Teach and Satisfaction with Their Work Experiences in Predominantly White K-12 Schools
Riel, Paul E. (2015), Campus Planners' Preferences For Residence Hall Project Delivery Methods
Saredy, Jason J. (2015), Infection and Dissemination of TaV-GFP Tagged Sindbis in Aedine Mosquitoes and Cell Lines
Simpson, Justin T. (2015), Quasi-Subjectivity and Ethics in Non-Modernity
Snook, Daniel Walter II (2015), Is What Is Past Always Prologue? Priming to Past Conflicts and Fear of Terrorism Influence Americans’ Support for Military Intervention in Syria
Soni, Neha (2015), An Empirical Performance Analysis Of IaaS Clouds With CloudStone Web 2.0 Benchmarking Tool
Stegmann, Gabriela M. (2015), Comparing Group Means When Nonresponse Rates Differ
Tancreto, Amanda E. (2015), Comparison of Hydrologic Model Performance Statistics Using Thiessen Polygon Rain Gauge and NEXRAD Precipitation Input Methods at Different Watershed Spatial Scales and Rainfall Return Frequencies
Thoma, Kathleen Anne (2015), Stories of Challenge and Resilience: The Impact of Ecological Factors on the Lived Experiences of Low Income, Urban Young Adults Living with HIV/AIDS
Thomas, Peter R. Jr. (2015), Camp, Combat, and Campaign: North Carolina's Confederate Experience
Todaro, Gabriel Francis (2015), The Development of a Hydrodynamics-Based Storm Severity Index
Toro, Andrea del Pilar (2015), Effect of Lateral Stiffness on Bridge Deck Performance
Tritinger, Amanda S. (2015), Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Tidal Variance and Marsh Productivity in the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve, Florida
Vijayakumar, Sruthi (2015), Hadoop Based Data Intensive Computation on IAAS Cloud Platforms
Walker, Christopher J. (2015), The Role of Neurotensin Receptors on Visceral Pain and Activity Levels in Mice.
Zambrano, Jesus (2015), Mobile Cloud Computing: Offloading Mobile Processing to the Cloud
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Angel, Michelle L. (2014), The Effects of Rain on Traffic Safety and Operations on Florida Freeways
Ardag, Dorukhan (2014), Examining Optimal Form of Two Scale Approximation (TSA) for Calculating Snl Source Term
Arnold, Jason Dean (2014), Leadership Style and Readiness to Lead: Perceptions of Florida Level 1 Educational Leadership Preparation Program Participants
Arockiasamy, Britto N. (2014), Trustworthiness of Web Services
Baker, Henry Thomas (2014), A Study of Walkway Safety and Evaluation of Tribological Test Equipment
Baker-Townsend, Julie Ann (2014), Quality Improvement Measures for Cervical Screening Guidelines in a Clinic for Uninsured Adults
Bhogal, Varun (2014), Analysis of BFSA Based Anti-Collision Protocol in LF, HF, and UHF RFID Environments
Boyer, William Robert II (2014), The Associations Between HOMA-IR and Muscular Strengthening Activity in Euglycemic U.S. Adults
Byron, Christopher (2014), Critically Developing Real Capabilities
Castilla, Dalila (2014), A Hybrid Approach Using RUP and Scrum as a Software Development Strategy
Chen, Tavymae W. (2014), Predictive Utility and Achievement Outcomes of Two Simultaneous District-Developed Interim Assessment Programs
Coyle, Shannon Jean (2014), Improving Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment for Acute Viral Conjunctivitis
Cummings, Andrea Marie (2014), The Impact of Student Support Services on Academic Success at a Select Historically Black College and University
Curtis, Megan E. (2014), Due to a Bone Marrow Transplant, is Loneliness From Hospital Isolation a Predictor of Health Outcomes
Dumouchel, Jerrett R. (2014), The Power of Facebook for Universities: A Study of Official Facebook Pages of Florida's Universities
Dyer-Kramer, Theresa (2014), The Use of a Tool to Assess Long Term Care Surveyor Efficiency and Effectiveness
Dzoba, Nicholas (2014), Investigating Mentors' Perceptions Of The Effectiveness Of Using Resiliency-Building Strategies Within An At-Risk Adolescent Intervention Program
El-Gharib, Georges (2014), Evaluation of the Empirical Deck Design for Vehicular Bridges
Ermak, Jessica Lea (2014), The Social Structure and Mating Strategies of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the St. Johns River
Fetter, Katie L. (2014), Efficacy of Bydureon in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Gallucci, Nicole Lynn (2014), From Chaos to Order: Balancing Cross-Cultural Communication in the Pre-Colonial and Colonial Southeast
Goldfarb, Allison (2014), Increasing Practitioner Knowledge of Ketamine as an Adjunct Analgesic for Postoperative Pain
Gonzalez De Acevedo, Melissa I. (2014), Reproductive Biology of the Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) from the Southeastern U.S. Atlantic Coast
Goyal, Poonam (2014), Comparative Study of C, Java, C# and Jython
Greene-Sanders, Dominique T N (2014), The Plausibility of a Slippery Slope: Guantanamo Bay as an Example of Direct/Indirect Participation in Torture and the Corruption of Societal Morality
Griffin, Heather Renee (2014), The Importance of Collaboration Between Parents and School in Special Education: Perceptions From the Field
Haley, Tara C. (2014), No Teacher Left Behind: An Exploration of the Current Teacher Performance Evaluation System in Florida
Halleck, Jeannemarie (2014), E Pluribus Unum? Liberalism and the Search for Civility in America
Harmon, Debran L. (2014), Anesthesia Safety: Filter Needle Use With Glass Ampules
Harris, Wallace (2014), Facility Matters: The Perception Of Academic Deans Regarding The Role Of Facilities in Higher Education
Jimison, Zachary N. (2014), The Effect of Music Familiarity on Driving: A Simulated Study of the Impact of Music Familiarity Under Different Driving Conditions
Kaufman, Jaime C. (2014), A Hybrid Approach to Music Recommendation: Exploiting Collaborative Music Tags and Acoustic Features
Kay, Shannon A. (2014), Factors Affecting Storm Characteristics in the Battery and Vicinity
Kenofer, Benjamin David Hershey (2014), Bringing Out The Feminist In Bernard Williams: Constructing An Anti-Moralistic Care Ethic
Kissinger, Alicia (2014), Depressive Rumination and the Mood-as-Input Hypothesis
Likely, Rasheda S. (2014), Functional Characterization of a Putative Disaccharide Membrane Transporter in Crustacean Intestine
Manners Bucolo, Catherine (2014), Food for Thought and Thought for Food: Applying Care Ethics to the American Eater
McWhirter, Lynn (2014), Novel Oral Anticoagulants: Bedrest and Bleeding in Patients Undergoing Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation
Montoya, Luis Humberto (2014), Analysis of a 10-year Nearshore Wave Database and its Implications to Littoral Processes
Nekolny, Samantha Ryanne (2014), The Effects of Sampling Design on Abundance and Distribution of Bottlenose Dolphins in the St. Johns River, Florida
Olsen, William Edward (2014), Transitions in Line Bitangency Submanifolds for a One-Parameter Family of Immersion Pairs
Olson, Theodore (2014), Transcriptional Regulation of Neurogenic Atrophy-Induced Gene Expression by Muscle Ring Finger-1 and Myogenic Regulatory Factors
Patterson, Andrea M. (2014), Evaluating The Effects of an Educational Lifestyle Modification Intervention on Blood Pressure in Adults With Prehypertension