This collection contains electronically submitted and retrospectively digitized graduate-level theses, dissertations, and doctoral projects for which we have received an availability agreement. Beginning with the fall of 2012, all theses and dissertations have been submitted through UNF Digital Commons. Other theses, dissertations, and projects are available in paper format and may be found using the library’s catalog.
The views and opinions reflected on Digital Commons are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the University of North Florida.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Al-Sammarraie, Mareh Fakhir (2017), An Empirical Investigation of Collaborative Web Search Tool on Novice's Query Behavior
Araujo, Brandon (2017), Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: How Risk Influences Decision-Making
Barrett, Enita E. (2017), Belizean teachers’ perceptions of Intercultural Bilingual Education as a language preservation tool: A Q Methodology Study
Beard, Sarah J. (2017), Prosociality and Risk: How Risky Decision-Making in Young Adults Relates to Altruistic Tendencies, Empathic Concern, and Prosocial Peer Affiliation
Bishop, Travis (2017), The Effects of Ego Depletion and Emotional Intelligence on Risk-Taking
Brunson, Debra Nickole (2017), Loss of outer membrane porins in clonally related clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae modifies the bacteria; resulting in altered resistance to phagocytosis by macrophages
Burton, Jametoria Lynette Houston (2017), Examining Leadership Approaches of Community College Administrators: Understanding Leadership and Change Processes
Carpenter, Jeffrey Cohen (2017), Survey Gear Comparisons and Shark Nursery Habitat Use in Southeast Georgia Estuaries
Coker, Theresa J. (2017), Secondary-School Principals' Perceptions of their Role in the Retention of the Novice Teacher
Copeland, John (2017), Loneliness and Student Health: Replication and Exploratory Analysis
Deval, Niharika (2017), Empirical Evaluation of Cloud IAAS Platforms using System-level Benchmarks
Dougherty, Ryan (2017), Rhapsode Metaphor: Understanding the Student-Teacher Relationship in Philosophy for Children
Ehnert, Samantha L. (2017), Mercury Accumulation and Effects in the Brain of Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks (Rhiszoprionodon Terranovae)
Frier, Jason Ross (2017), Genetic Algorithms as a Viable Method of Obtaining Branch Coverage
Fuller, Jacob (2017), Strength Property Variability in Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Soils
Gamal, Doaa (2017), Social Networks Influence Analysis
Gilberstadt, Candance Wise (2017), Mother-child Planning: Microgenetic Changes in Maternal Instruction Behaviors as a Function of Task Goals
Hart, Andrea Ilene (2017), Understanding Leadership Practice Utilizing a Naturalistic Decision-Making Model Among Health Care Leaders
Henderson, Travis Brett (2017), Professional Conversations within Self-Contained Classrooms: The Shared Perspectives of Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Administrators
Jackson, Jennifer L. (2017), Perceptions of First-Generation College Students of Color: The Road Less Traveled
Jamison, Rudolph F. Jr. (2017), Black Male Perspectives of the Role Race Plays with Black Male Leader/Leadership Development in the World of Work
Jayapal, Ranjith (2017), Biometric encryption system for increased security
Kakareka, Karina Marie (2017), Transcriptional Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Atrophy-Induced Gene Expression by Muscle Ring Finger-1 and Myogenic Regulatory Factors
Khalil, Hibah (2017), The Role of the Quality of a Website in Consumer Perception
Khatwani, Chanchal (2017), Security Analysis of ECC Based Protocols
King, Carissa DeeAnn (2017), The Soundscape of the St. Johns River and its Potential Impacts on the Habitat Use Patterns of Bottlenose Dolphins
Kitali, Angela E. (2017), Bayesian Approach on Quantifying the Safety Effects of Pedestrian Countdown Signals to Drivers
Knapp, Alexander (2017), Finite Element Modeling of the Plantar Fascia: A Viscohyperelastic Approach
Kodakoglu, Furkan (2017), Performance analysis on Free-piston linear expander
Lambert, Glenn M. II (2017), Security Analytics: Using Deep Learning to Detect Cyber Attacks
Lepere, Alexus (2017), Can Coloring Reduce Stress and Increase Working Memory in the Elderly?
Levert, Dominique (2017), Attrition from School-Based Behavioral Parent Training Programs A Meta-Analytic Review
Ludden, Brian James (2017), Unheard Voices: Black Adolescents' Perceptions of Mental Health In Urban Communities
Machumu, Kelvin S. (2017), Enhancing the Existing Microscopic Simulation Modeling Practice for Express Lane Facilities
Martinez, Luisa C. (2017), The Perceived Roles of Student Affairs Administrators in Public Higher Education
Mercurio, Dominic George IV (2017), Testing a Communal Goal Affordance Intervention for Increasing Women's S.T.E.M. Motivation
Muthiah, Karthika Ms. (2017), Performance Evaluation of Hadoop based Big Data Applications with HiBench Benchmarking tool on IaaS Cloud Platforms
Orasheva, Jennet (2017), The Effect of Corrosion Defects on the Failure of Oil and Gas Transmission Pipelines: A Finite Element Modeling Study
Raley, Mikaela J. (2017), Social Connectedness and Social Support in a Military and Civilian College Population: Associations with Psychological, Physical and Stress-Related Health Outcomes
Rodak, Jourdan A. (2017), PTSD’s True Color; Examining the effect of a short-term coloring intervention on the stress, anxiety and working memory of veterans with PTSD.
Scherzer, Ryan D. (2017), Degradation Resistant Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates
Shrivastava, Dishi (2017), The Impact of Social Presence and User Experience on Gender Sensitive E-Tail Websites
Skeete, Brenda Joyce (2017), The Identification of Demographic Profiles of K-12 Public School Districts Employing Female Superintendents in California, Michigan, New York, and Texas
Smith, Lawrence Russell (2017), A case study: the executive leadership response at a community hospital to the value-based purchasing requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Snedden, Larry D. (2017), Improving Search Ranking Using a Composite Scoring Approach
Southard, Spencer (2017), Designing 2D Interfaces For 3D Gesture Retrieval Utilizing Deep Learning
Sudhindaran, Daniel Sushil (2017), Generating a Normalized Database Using Class Normalization
Tennant, Kaylin S. (2017), Behavioral and Physiological Assessment of Zoo-Housed Heterosexual Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) Troops with Multiple Silverbacks
Thurston, Joan E. (2017), Student-Athlete Perception of Coaching Leadership Behaviors’ Influence on Mental Health Symptoms Associated with Anxiety, Depression, Suicidality, and Substance Abuse
Wallace, Brett (2017), Sentence Recall in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Warren, Alec J. (2017), Britain's Green Fascists: Understanding the Relationship between Fascism, Farming, and Ecological Concerns in Britain, 1919-1951
Whalen, John (2017), A Multibiomarker Analysis of Pollutant Effects on Atlantic Stingray Populations in Florida’s St. Johns River
Wheeler, Jared Thomas (2017), Extracting a Relational Database Schema from a Document Database
Williams, Bethany Dawn (2017), Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, and Clustered Metabolic Risk in U.S. Adolescents: 2007-2012 NHANES.
Willis, Christopher (2017), The Obama Pivot to Asia: An Analysis of the Fundamentals
Yousefian, Pedram (2017), Pore Formation in Aluminum Castings: Theoretical Calculations and the Extrinsic Effect of Entrained Surface Oxide Films
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Ady, Dawn S. (2016), The Ultimate Irony: An Information Age Without Librarians
Barbas, Ruthie E. (2016), Tests of Reproductive Isolation Between the Fishes Fundulus heteroclitus and F. grandis
Barton, Jennifer Marie (2016), Investigating the Psychometric Properties of the Self-Compassion Scale: Using Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Models
Brayton, Shawn Whittaker (2016), Participant Perceptions of Knowledge Sharing in a Higher Education Community of Practice
Brown, Josephine Michelle (2016), Characterization of the interaction between Basigin and the pattern recognition receptor TLR4
Burnette, Carolina (2016), Analysis of a Long-Term Record of Nearshore Currents and Implications in Littoral Transport Processes
Carle, William R. II (2016), Active Analytics: Adapting Web Pages Automatically Based on Analytics Data
Clark, Tyrome (2016), Humanitarian Intervention: Moral Perspectives
Del Giudice, Nora (2016), The Adaptive Memory Effect: Exploring Need for Cognition and Survival Processing
Di Netta, James Dominick (2016), The Mechanics and Fixed Operations of Human Experience
Frankenstein, Andrea (2016), To Kill or Not to Kill: Exploring the Roles of Empathy and Working Memory in Moral Decision Making
Garrett, Keith (2016), Vulnerabililty Analysis of Multi-Factor Authentication Protocols
Gillis, Ashley Jade (2016), Categorizing Pro-environmental Behaviors Using the Laypeople's Perspective
Glasser, Ellen (2016), Voices of the First Women Leaders in the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Greene, Jonathan K. (2016), Secondary-School Department Chairpersons’ Perceptions of Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Grimes, Tyler L. (2016), A Saddlepoint Approximation to Left-Tailed Hypothesis Tests of Variance for Non-normal Populations
Haddock, Ashley Noel (2016), Transcriptional Regulation of Dual-Specificity Phosphatase 4 (Dusp4) by Muscle RING Finger 1 (MuRF1) and Myogenic Regulatory Factors
Hall, Amanda A. (2016), San Antonio de Pocotalaca: An Eighteenth-Century Yamasee Indian Town in St. Augustine, Florida, 1716-1752
Harper, Kevin M. (2016), Challenging the Efficient Market Hypothesis with Dynamically Trained Artificial Neural Networks
Hoang, Hung (2016), Safety Implications of Transit Operator Schedule Policies
Horton, John C. (2016), Thinking About How You Feel: The Relationship between Cognitive Variables in the Context of Depressive Symptoms
Hull, Kristen Nicole (2016), The Impact of Multiple Opportunities for Aggression on Aggressive Thoughts, Behaviors, and Motivations
Karle, Kristin A. (2016), Structure and Function of Male Bottlenose Dolphin Alliances in Northeast Florida
Keller, Thomas V. (2016), Selected High School Science Teachers' Perceptions Regarding Adaptations to Their Instructional Practice Due to the Implimentation of State Required End of Course Exams in a Midsized Central Florida School District
Laroussi, Ahmed Afia (2016), An Examination of the Perceptions of Elementary School Principals, General Education Teachers, and Special Education Teachers about Supportive Inclusion Practices and Processes
Lesser, Elizabeth Rochelle (2016), A New Right Tailed Test of the Ratio of Variances
Lwambagaza, Lina (2016), Modeling Older Driver Behavior on Freeway Merging Ramps
Monroe-Ossi, Heather M. (2016), Complexities of Technology Integration in the Elementary Classroom Context: A Structural Equation Model Study
Mulamba, Teddy (2016), The Influence of Sea-Level Rise on Salinity in the Lower St. Johns River and the Associated Physics
Ozdes, Huseyin (2016), The Relationship Between High-Cycle Fatigue and Tensile Properties in Cast Aluminum Alloys
Ries, Collin (2016), Potential Wave Impacts On Shorelines In Intertidal Waterways
Robinson, Tyler (2016), Pain and Principle: The Effects of Nociceptive Stimuli on Moral Decision Making
Rodriguez, Rosanna (2016), Seft-Monitoring and Attitude Polarization: Individual Differences in the Role of Belief Consistency and Belief Confidence in the Mere-Thought Effect
Scheffler, Olivia (2016), Functional Characterization of a Novel Disaccharide Membrane Transporter in the Digestive Tract of the American Lobster, Homarus americanus
Speegle, Shelby (2016), The Effect of Gender Threat on Implicit Sexism and Stereotyping
Swenarton, Mary (2016), Population Ecology of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles) in the South Atlantic Bight
Tang, Ying (2016), Comparative Study of School and Science Teacher Technology Leaderships in High and Middle Schools in the United States and China
Thompson, Renita Taylor (2016), Examining Perceptions of Black Administrators in Higher Education Regarding Administrative Leadership Opportunities
Torri Dischinger, Maria Inês (2016), Loss of Resources and Demoralization in the Chronically Ill: A Mediation Model
Unal, Ogun (2016), Characterization of Tensile Deformation in AZ91 Mg Alloy Castings
West, Jessica (2016), Ability and Abnormality
Worsham, Lucas (2016), Unearthing the Seeds of Oppression and Injustice within Education: Using Intuition, Care, and Virtue to Guide the Educative Process and Cultivate Morality.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Afflerbach, Kevin Andrew (2015), Humorous Developments: Ridicule, Recognition, and the Development of Agency
Alnojeidi, Albatool H. (2015), Gender Differences in Low Back Pain and Self-Reported Muscle Strengthening Activity Among U.S. Adults