This collection contains electronically submitted and retrospectively digitized graduate-level theses, dissertations, and doctoral projects for which we have received an availability agreement. Beginning with the fall of 2012, all theses and dissertations have been submitted through UNF Digital Commons. Other theses, dissertations, and projects are available in paper format and may be found using the library’s catalog.
The views and opinions reflected on Digital Commons are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the University of North Florida.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Zgjani, Dea (2022), The Knights of the Round Table: The Mediating Role of Parental Self-efficacy and Parental Stress in Explaining Family Mealtime Predicting Child Behavior in MTurk Families
Zipperer, Madeline (2022), The Potential Mediating Effects of Social Support Network Size and Physical Activity on Cognitive Function and Mortality Risk
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Al Azad, A S M Alauddin (2021), An Accurate and Efficient Methodology to Obtain Surges for Risk Analyses for the Coast of Bangladesh
Anderson, Lee B. (2021), The Role Academic Deans Play in Public Higher Education Fundraising
Archer, Allison Kendall (2021), Evaluating Individualism as a Predictor of Workplace E-Learning Training Transfer
Arnold, Dana (2021), A Hopeless Illness Representation Style: Examining Chronic Illness and Depression with Coping as A Mediator
Beachler, Christopher M. (2021), Product Failure Recognition Via Comparison Of Sequential and Quickest Detection Algorithms
Bosco, Moses (2021), Analysis of Shallow Water Underwater Noise from Marine Pile Driving Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Empirical Data Fitting
Canas, Gabriela (2021), Benthic Microalgae Response to A Warming Climate and Shift in Foundational Vegetation Species in A Saltmarsh-Mangrove Ecotone
Carlton, Sara (2021), Internalized Stigmatization and Rejection Sensitivity as Mediators of the Link Between Self-Monitoring and Transgender Identity Concealment
Castellon Escobar, Cesar Enrique (2021), Energy Considerations in Blockchain-Enabled Applications
Charry Segura, Daniela (2021), Total Brachial Artery Reactivity and Incident Heart Failure and Heart Failure Sub-Types: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Chipman, Kristi (2021), Factors Associated with Overall Experience in Advanced-Practice Doctoral Programs
Cline, Sarah (2021), For Better or For Worse? Cross Sectional Comparison of University Student Stress, Coping, and Somatic Complaints Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Colin, Casey R. (2021), The Nutrition Care Process in Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy
DiVittore-Goodrum, Brittney (2021), Residency and Sociality Analysis of Skin Lesions in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) of the St. Johns River, FL
Fernandez de Valderrama, Luis (2021), Linear Generators in Wave Energy Conversion: Performance, Feasibility, and Location Study
Fisher, Jillian (2021), Race Logic: Measuring Stereotyped Mental Representations of Football Player Positions
Fraser, Abbey (2021), Safety Analysis of Battery-Powered Adaptive Ride-on Toys for Children with Disabilities
From, Karen E. (2021), Osteoporosis Prevention is Linked to Education, Childhood Meals and Milk Consumption in Young Adult Females
Galena, Amy (2021), The effects of fermented vegetable consumption on the composition of the intestinal microflora and levels of inflammatory markers in women: A pilot and feasibility study
Gordon, Leslie Marie (2021), Student Retention in Higher Education: Effect of the Campus Fitness Center on Women
Griffin-Todd, Katelyne (2021), Examining Trauma, Aggression, and Anxiety in African American Girls
Hamrick, Joseph S. (2021), Retributive Justice, Capital Punishment, and Jurors in Northeast Florida
Heppe, Madison E. (2021), Modeling Coastal Vulnerability of the St. Johns River and Northeastern Florida Shorelines
Hermida, Yoannis (2021), How to Improve Dynamic Decision Making: Evaluation of a Brief Training Program on Human Error
Howard, Morgan Paige (2021), Inside the Zoo: Captive Giraffes’ Changes in Social Ties Throughout Membership Variations
Johnson, Lyndsey (2021), Do you copy? Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Auditory Processing, and Heart Rate Variability
Jones, Amy Motley (2021), Physician Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Towards Registered Dietitian Nutritionists
Kalafatis-Russell, Angel Renee (2021), Doing Kink vs. Being Kinky: A Systematic Scoping Review of the Literature on BDSM Behavior, Orientation, and Identity
Kasomi, Sarah T. (2021), A Microscopic Simulation Approach for Developing Ramp Metering Activation Guidelines For Weekends
Kasubi, Francisca P. (2021), Analyzing Benefits of Connected Vehicle Technologies During Incidents on Freeways and Diversion Strategies Implementation: A Microsimulation-Based Case Study of Florida's Turnpike
Kinero, Abdallah N. (2021), Exploring the Use of Drones for Conducting Traffic Mobility and Safety Studies
Koning, Wesley K. (2021), Estimating a range of flow rates resulting from extreme storm events within the Wekiva River watershed through statistical testing and modeling
Kovalenko, Samantha (2021), Determination of extreme flood events in the Black Creek, Julington Creek, Dubin Creek, Big Davis Creek, Ortega River, and Pablo Creek sub-basins of the lower St. Johns River basin, Florida, USA
Kyles, Tracey (2021), Love the Customers: Principles of Interpersonal Relationships Applied to Social Media
Loewy, Aaron (2021), An Examination of Romantic Relationship Initiation Strategies Utilized by Young Adults with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome
MacKinnon, David A. II (2021), Postsecondary Writing Program Collegiality, Job Satisfaction, and Self-efficacy Teaching Writing: A Quantitative Analysis Using Self-Determination Theory
Marsland, Cheryl (2021), Investigation of the Multidimensional Determinants of Nutritionally Risky Coping Strategies and Tradeoffs in Adults
Martin, Maureen A. (2021), Value-Added Model (VAM) Component of Teacher Evaluation and Job Satisfaction, Efficacy, and Retention: Perspectives of Secondary Teachers of Historically Low-Scoring Students and Recommendations for Alternative Student Performance Measurements
Masterson, Abigail P. (2021), Opposite Sex Friendship Initiation: Dispositional Differences in Self-Monitoring
Mealer, Christopher J. (2021), Effects of Corrosion on the SERS Activity and Optical Response of Silver Nanorods
Metcalf, Kevin B. (2021), A mixed methods study examining the barriers and facilitators to research utilization and evidence-based practice in adult weight management
Morrill, Lucas Jay (2021), An Assessment Study of Student Experiences in a University Conduct Process
Nagle, Frances S. (2021), Weak Olfactory Preferences of the Gall Midge Asphondylia borrichiae, Associated Fungal Endophytes and Implications on Gene Flow and Host Range Expansion
Narayanan, Subashree (2021), Parents' Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Dietary Behaviors of Children with Autism Aged 5-13 Years
Niemczyk, Todd R. Esq. (2021), Policy Considerations regarding Student Loan Debt and Higher Education
Oracheff, Alexander C. (2021), Macrotexture Assessment of Florida Pavements
Palmrose, Kristin K. (2021), Reproductive Biology of the Spinner Shark Carcharhinus Brevipinna, Off the Southeast U.S. Coast
Perkins, Jennifer A. (2021), College Choice and College Match Among High-Achieving Pell-Eligible Students: An Instrumental Case Study Exploring Social Actor Influence
Rivera, Brandon Alfredo (2021), Predicting Anthropogenic Underwater Pile Driving Noise Using Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) DATA
Rodriguez, Karinna Anne (2021), Parental influences on children’s decisions making
Ronderos, Samantha (2021), Investigating Body Dissatisfaction, Obesity, & Eating Pathology: African American Adolescent Girls & Mothers
Salcedo, Juan Diego (2021), Impacts of Meals on Wings (MOW) Program on Volunteers' Perceptions and Motives
Sanders, Melanie (2021), Social Emotional Competence in School Leaders
Sedghikhoi-Milani, Alyssa M. (2021), The Effects of Discrimination Training Using Multiple Modes of Presentation to Teach Identification of bullying to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sipes, Justin Michael (2021), Pre-College Expectations of First-Generation College Students: A National Study Based on Institutional Characteristics
Small, Amanda Paige (2021), The Relative Contribution of the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) to Periwinkle Snail (Littoraria irrorata) Predation Mortality in the Lower Salt Marsh Intertidal of Northeast Florida
Soares, Luciana Adib (2021), An Examination of the Impact of the COVID-19 Health Threat, Stress, and Social Isolation on Lifestyle Habits as Analyzed through the Protection Motivation Theory
Sparks, Hope Marie (2021), The Influence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Disclosure on Peer Social Distancing in Higher Education
Stroman, Skylar (2021), Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) Security Mitigation through Multilateration
Stukes, Karine Sandra (2021), Measuring Employee Engagement and Adaptive Leadership During Higher Education’s Accountability and Performance Era
Sturchio, Matthew (2021), Plant Physiological Responses to Environmental Change in a Marsh-Mangrove Ecotone
Thoma, Aura (2021), Friendship Dissolution Strategies Involving Former Best Friends
Thomas, Matthew R. (2021), Minimizing Reaction Systems
Tompa, Abigail D. (2021), An investigation of the role of Basigin-variant-1 in the immune response within the retina
Van Horn, Leslie Thompson (2021), Validation of an evidence-based dietetic practice instrument and the association between level of education and use of evidence-based dietetic practices among registered dietitian nutritionists
Veilleux-Mesa, Candice Jo (2021), Women CIOs in Higher Education Pursuing Work-Life Balance/Integration, Self-Care, and the Influence of COVID-19
Villamor, Monique and Villamor, Monique V. (2021), An Investigation of the Moderating Effects of Household Composition and Developmental Age on Food Insecurity Impacting Mental Health
Visser, Owen (2021), Upper-Sided EWMA-Based Distribution-Specific Tolerance Limits
Wagner, Carly Alexandria (2021), Disentangling the Role of Self-Esteem on Eating Disorders in African American Youth
Wargat, Bryanna N. (2021), Characterization of a scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) nursery habitat in portions of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway
White, Justin (2021), The Investigation of the Underlying Microstructure Associated with Fracture Features in 6061 Cold Sprayed Aluminum
Wilson, Aaron M. (2021), Open Voting Client Architecture and Op-Ed Voting: A Novel Framework for Solving Requirement Conflicts in Secret Ballot Elections
Zinn, Scott (2021), Advance Metallic Reinforcement of Vat Photo Polymerized Parts
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Ahearn, Yani P. (2020), Sindbis virus infects specific gut cells for replication and dissemination from the posterior midgut of mosquitoes
Alaves, Griselda (2020), Remember to Color: How Coloring Impacts Elderly Mental Health and Working Memory
Alhamed, Nehaya Ali (2020), The Digital Transition from Textbooks to Tablets in Saudi Arabia
Alves Dos Santos, Arthur Aloisio (2020), Efficacy of Hard Hats in Attenuating Head Accelerations: A Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation
Anderson, Jasmine R. (2020), Analysis of Changes in Genes that lead to Antibiotic Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae 43816
Beal, Eli R. (2020), American Alligator (Alligator Mississippiensis) Ecology Within Human-Dominated Landscapes
Bhattacharya, Amitabh (2020), Multi-Robot Informative Path Planning in Unknown Environments Through Continuous Region Partitioning
Billet, Jared B. (2020), The Subconstituent Algebra of a Hypercube
Bolaños-Boudreau, Monica (2020), Person-Centered Physical Training Programs for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: Stimulating Motivation and Participation as Essential Components of Program Development
Bray, Olivia (2020), Investigation of Vapor Deposited Conduction Seed Layer for Electrodeposition on Polymers
Bundshuh, Heather (2020), A North Florida High School Attendance Program Evaluation
Cibrian, Enrique (2020), Depressive Rumination and the Mood-as-Input Hypothesis: The Role of Reverse Catastrophizing
Colon, Raymond Anthony (2020), Colors of fruits and vegetables and diabetes risk in the United States Latino population
Comella, Sara Grace (2020), A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Cognitive and Mental Health Repercussions of Childhood Adversity in Adulthood
Cooper, Lisa Michelle (2020), Functional Analysis of FAM83D and DUPD1 – Two Novel Neruogenic Skeletal Muscle Atrophy-Induced Genes
Dary, Kendall P. (2020), Effects of Involvement (Target Versus Observer), Gender, Protectiveness, and Priming on Perceptions of Sexual Harassment
Derby, Elanna Beth (2020), Teacher Perceptions on How to Best Support Student Well-Being in Elementary Classrooms
Ellis, Elizabeth Marie (2020), On Fire or Burned-Out?: The Role of Self-Monitoring on Burnout in the Workplace
Erchul, Alicia Marie (2020), Military Veteran Students Transition to Academic Life with PTSD, Trauma, and Potential for Freezing Response.
Escobar, Su-Nui (2020), Development and validation of a mindful food parenting instrument to assess the relationship between parent food practices and children’s dietary outcomes
Eskew, Zachary (2020), A Computational Analysis of Marine Fenders Under Heavy Weather Mooring Conditions
Evors, Pamela Ann (2020), Inside Collaborative Communities: Teachers' Perceptions of the Collaborative Process
Falbo, Rebecca (2020), Staying Alive: A Content Analysis of the School Board Minutes of the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf and the Decision-Making Processes of the School Board for Redesigning the School
Fernandez de Valderrama, Laura (2020), Preliminary Design and Analysis of a Wave Energy Converter with Electromagnetic Induction
Frye, Palmer (2020), Very high cycle fatigue behavior of laser beam-powder bed fused Inconel 718 considering the layer orientation and surface finish effects