This collection contains electronically submitted and retrospectively digitized graduate-level theses, dissertations, and doctoral projects for which we have received an availability agreement. Beginning with the fall of 2012, all theses and dissertations have been submitted through UNF Digital Commons. Other theses, dissertations, and projects are available in paper format and may be found using the library’s catalog.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
El Safty, Abdallah and EL Safty, Abdallah Walid (2018), A Novel Design to Harness Water-Wave Energy
Emord, Nicholas (2018), High Speed, Micron Precision Scanning Technology for 3D Printing Applications
Field, Graeme (2018), Particle Filters for State Estimation of Confined Aquifers
Fletcher, William (2018), Potential Replacement of the US Navy's Rapid Penetration Test with the Method of Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves
Fong, Joseph D. (2018), The Distinction of the Interactions Between the Transmembrane Domains of Basigin Gene Products and Monocarboxylate Transporters
Friswold-Atwood, Sarah (2018), Living-Learning Communities Effect on Students’ Self-Efficacy of their Successful Social and Academic Transition to College
Gaston, Keith E. (2018), Distance Learning for Professional Development in Law Enforcement - What Works
Gibbs, Alarie A. (2018), The Perceptions of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organization Leaders Regarding Their Role in K-12 Arts Education
Gomes Affonseca Netto, Nelson (2018), The Effect of Friction Stir Processing on The Microstructure and Tensile Behavior of Aluminum Alloys
Greene, Robert Allan (2018), The Effect of Modality on Student Achievement and Course Completion in a Developmental Mathematics Course
Haule, Henrick Joseph (2018), Evaluation of Traffic Incident Timeline to Quantify the Performance of Incident Management Strategies
Hayes, Caleb (2018), Tetratricopeptide 39C (TTC39C) Is Upregulated During Skeletal Muscle Atrophy and is Necessary for Muscle Cell Differentiation
Joiner, Joshua M. (2018), Automating CIRI Ratings of Human Rights Reports Using Gate
Jones, Donald (2018), Development of Forward and Inversion Schemes for Cross-Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar
Kaddour, Inan (2018), Mobile Cloud Computing: A Comparison Study of Cuckoo and AIOLOS Offloading Frameworks
Karaer, Alican (2018), Effects of Traffic Incidents on Adjacent Facilities and Alternative Re-Routing Strategies
Klempin, Rebekah Faith (2018), Parent Perceived Stress and Child Temperament: Qualities that Facilitate or Impede Child Developmental Outcomes
LaValley, Christopher Travis (2018), Holistic Model of Website Design Elements that Influence Trustworthiness
Makley, Tracey S. (2018), Intellectual Property Policies Concerning Ownership of Faculty-Created Online Course Materials in Public Higher Education Institutions
Matemu, Christian Hillary (2018), Development of a One-Way Coupled Diffraction/Trapped Air Model for Predicting Wave Loading on Bridge Superstructure Under Water Wave Attack
McCarthy, Elizabeth Ann (2018), Twitter Use During Hurricane Irma: How the Local Government Agencies Amplify and Attenuate Risk Factors for the Vulnerable Populations
McClanahan, Sarah Meghan (2018), Associations between Parenting, Neurobiological Variables, and Adolescent and Young Adult Risk-Taking
McGill, Robert James (2018), Teacher Perspectives Regarding the Pedagogical Practices Most Culturally Responsive to African American Middle School Students
Michael, Brett C. (2018), Attrition in Behavioral Parent Training Programs in Clinical and Community Settings: A Meta-analytic Review
Morgan, Clark R. (2018), Distribution and community structure of First Coast shark assemblages and their relative trophic niche dynamics
Morris, Megan Colleen (2018), Treatment Analysis of a Captive Male Jaguar (Panthera onca)
Mortimer, Anthony D. (2018), Priorities for School Safety: The Alignment between Federal and State School Safety Legislation and Safety Needs as Perceived by Education Stakeholders in Florida Private Schools for Exceptional Students
Mowle, Adrien Kathleen (2018), Characterization of Vitellogenesis in the Bonnethead Shark Sphyrna tiburo
Njobelo, Gwamaka Lameck (2018), A Microscopic Simulation Study of Applications of Signal Phasing and Timing Information in a Connected Vehicle Environment
Olah, Matthew D. (2018), Putting the “Gay” in Gamers: Increasing Identification with Homosexuals Through Video Games
Olunuga, Adetunji A. (2018), Profile Analysis of Mobile Application Security
Perdomo, Melissa C. (2018), The Effects of Tact-to-Mand Transfer Procedures and Prompting Procedures for Increasing Independent Mands in a Child with Autism
Peterson, Bryan E. (2018), "Contra haereticos accingantur": The Union of Crusading and Anti-heresy Propaganda
Raabe, Jennifer M. (2018), Vertical Distribution of Meroplankton and Bivalve Competition in a Well-Mixed Estuary
Rariden, Brandi Scot (2018), Sedentary Time and the Cumulative Risk of Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction Heart Failure: from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Reynolds, David A. (2018), The effects of the red tide producing dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, and associated brevetoxins on viability and sublethal stress responses in scleractinian coral: a potential regional stressor to coral reefs
Robin, Dominic (2018), The Inevitability of Decay: Disability in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea
Rodriguez, Michael (2018), Learning Strategies Employed by College Aged Students with Disabilities: The Link Between Metacognition, Motivation, and Working Memory
Rodriguez-Velez, Ayshka Elise (2018), Power Mobility Sensor Data Collection Verified through Standardized Pediatric Assessments
Rousis, Gregory (2018), The Truth is Out There: The Use of Conspiracy Theories by Radical Violent Extremist Organizations
Rowe, Tara (2018), College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Their Knowledge of Self-determination: A Study to Inform Educational Practices and Policies
Sanchez, Mackenzie Lee (2018), Effect of Vessel-Generated Waves in Near Low Tide Conditions on Shorelines in the Intracoastal Waterways
Shields, Chelsea (2018), Reproductive Biology of the Tiger Shark in the Western Atlantic Ocean
Shore, Brian M. (2018), The Influence of Emotional Woundedness on Clergy Leaders In the Christian and Missionary Alliance A Q Methodology Study
Smith, Morgan M. Mr. (2018), The Role of Wave Self-Similarity in Nearshore Wave Spectra
Stuart, Justin (2018), "Who will teach the poor little ones to say their prayers?" Catholics, Protestant, and Black Education in Reconstruction Era St. Augustine, Florida.
Swift, Charis Lee (2018), The Perceived Emotional Intelligence of Elementary Principals and Teachers' Job Satisfaction: Do They Relate?
Talluri, Sai Raghu (2018), Towards Designing Energy Efficient Symmetric Key Protocols
Turlapaty, Sandhya (2018), Implementation and Performance Comparison of Some Heuristic Algorithms for Block Sorting
Veilleux, Candice J. (2018), Impressions of a Female Political Candidate Based on Political Party Affiliation
Vieira, Michelle Ann (2018), An Integrated Closed Convergent System for Optimal Extraction of Head-Driven Tidal Energy
Villanueva, Chelsea Denise (2018), Molecular and Evolutionary Analysis of Cyanobacterial Taxonomic Methods
Ward, Nikole S. (2018), Investigation of Near-Bottom Current Characteristics Along an Open-Ocean Coast
Webster, Benjamin (2018), On Representations of the Jacobi Group and Differential Equations
Wheeler, Nathan (2018), On the Effectiveness of an IOT - FOG - CLOUD Architecture for a real-world application
Williams, Nadina Melina (2018), Cross-Cultural Study of the Predictors of Learning in Children Ages 11-15 Years Old
Yetsko, Kelsey L. (2018), Estimating the heritability of thermal tolerance in Acropora cervicornis and the physiological basis of adaptation that correlates to survival at elevated temperatures
Yoho, Michael (2018), Self-Monitoring and Friendship: Individual Differences in Relationship Dissolution
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Ale, Joanna L. (2017), Appreciating Neurodiversity: ASD Perceptions of Experiences in a Higher Education Transition Program and the Implications for Higher Ed Leaders
Alkadi, Alaa (2017), Anomaly Detection in RFID Networks
Al-Sammarraie, Mareh Fakhir (2017), An Empirical Investigation of Collaborative Web Search Tool on Novice's Query Behavior
Araujo, Brandon (2017), Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: How Risk Influences Decision-Making
Barrett, Enita E. (2017), Belizean teachers’ perceptions of Intercultural Bilingual Education as a language preservation tool: A Q Methodology Study
Beard, Sarah J. (2017), Prosociality and Risk: How Risky Decision-Making in Young Adults Relates to Altruistic Tendencies, Empathic Concern, and Prosocial Peer Affiliation
Bishop, Travis (2017), The Effects of Ego Depletion and Emotional Intelligence on Risk-Taking
Brunson, Debra Nickole (2017), Loss of outer membrane porins in clonally related clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae modifies the bacteria; resulting in altered resistance to phagocytosis by macrophages
Burton, Jametoria Lynette Houston (2017), Examining Leadership Approaches of Community College Administrators: Understanding Leadership and Change Processes
Carpenter, Jeffrey Cohen (2017), Survey Gear Comparisons and Shark Nursery Habitat Use in Southeast Georgia Estuaries
Coker, Theresa J. (2017), Secondary-School Principals' Perceptions of their Role in the Retention of the Novice Teacher
Copeland, John (2017), Loneliness and Student Health: Replication and Exploratory Analysis
Deval, Niharika (2017), Empirical Evaluation of Cloud IAAS Platforms using System-level Benchmarks
Dougherty, Ryan (2017), Rhapsode Metaphor: Understanding the Student-Teacher Relationship in Philosophy for Children
Ehnert, Samantha L. (2017), Mercury Accumulation and Effects in the Brain of Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks (Rhiszoprionodon Terranovae)
Frier, Jason Ross (2017), Genetic Algorithms as a Viable Method of Obtaining Branch Coverage
Fuller, Jacob (2017), Strength Property Variability in Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Soils
Gamal, Doaa (2017), Social Networks Influence Analysis
Gilberstadt, Candance Wise (2017), Mother-child Planning: Microgenetic Changes in Maternal Instruction Behaviors as a Function of Task Goals
Hart, Andrea Ilene (2017), Understanding Leadership Practice Utilizing a Naturalistic Decision-Making Model Among Health Care Leaders
Henderson, Travis Brett (2017), Professional Conversations within Self-Contained Classrooms: The Shared Perspectives of Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Administrators
Jackson, Jennifer L. (2017), Perceptions of First-Generation College Students of Color: The Road Less Traveled
Jamison, Rudolph F. Jr. (2017), Black Male Perspectives of the Role Race Plays with Black Male Leader/Leadership Development in the World of Work
Jayapal, Ranjith (2017), Biometric encryption system for increased security
Kakareka, Karina Marie (2017), Transcriptional Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Atrophy-Induced Gene Expression by Muscle Ring Finger-1 and Myogenic Regulatory Factors
Khalil, Hibah (2017), The Role of the Quality of a Website in Consumer Perception
Khatwani, Chanchal (2017), Security Analysis of ECC Based Protocols
King, Carissa DeeAnn (2017), The Soundscape of the St. Johns River and its Potential Impacts on the Habitat Use Patterns of Bottlenose Dolphins
Kitali, Angela E. (2017), Bayesian Approach on Quantifying the Safety Effects of Pedestrian Countdown Signals to Drivers
Knapp, Alexander (2017), Finite Element Modeling of the Plantar Fascia: A Viscohyperelastic Approach
Kodakoglu, Furkan (2017), Performance analysis on Free-piston linear expander
Lambert, Glenn M. II (2017), Security Analytics: Using Deep Learning to Detect Cyber Attacks
Lepere, Alexus (2017), Can Coloring Reduce Stress and Increase Working Memory in the Elderly?
Levert, Dominique (2017), Attrition from School-Based Behavioral Parent Training Programs A Meta-Analytic Review
Ludden, Brian James (2017), Unheard Voices: Black Adolescents' Perceptions of Mental Health In Urban Communities
Machumu, Kelvin S. (2017), Enhancing the Existing Microscopic Simulation Modeling Practice for Express Lane Facilities
Martinez, Luisa C. (2017), The Perceived Roles of Student Affairs Administrators in Public Higher Education
Mercurio, Dominic George IV (2017), Testing a Communal Goal Affordance Intervention for Increasing Women's S.T.E.M. Motivation
Muthiah, Karthika Ms. (2017), Performance Evaluation of Hadoop based Big Data Applications with HiBench Benchmarking tool on IaaS Cloud Platforms
Orasheva, Jennet (2017), The Effect of Corrosion Defects on the Failure of Oil and Gas Transmission Pipelines: A Finite Element Modeling Study
Raley, Mikaela J. (2017), Social Connectedness and Social Support in a Military and Civilian College Population: Associations with Psychological, Physical and Stress-Related Health Outcomes
Rodak, Jourdan A. (2017), PTSD’s True Color; Examining the effect of a short-term coloring intervention on the stress, anxiety and working memory of veterans with PTSD.