This collection contains electronically submitted and retrospectively digitized graduate-level theses, dissertations, and doctoral projects for which we have received an availability agreement. Beginning with the fall of 2012, all theses and dissertations have been submitted through UNF Digital Commons. Other theses, dissertations, and projects are available in paper format and may be found using the library’s catalog.
The views and opinions reflected on Digital Commons are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the University of North Florida.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Salum, Jimoku H. (2019), Evaluating Mobility and Safety Benefits of Freeway Service Patrols: A Case Study of Florida's Road Rangers
Santillo, Erica (2019), Retaining Millennials: Values-Based Communication Tactics Employers can use to Appeal to a Supposed Risk-Adverse Generation
Scott, Jessica B. (2019), Tweeting in Public: How Florida's Public Information Officers use Twitter to Engage the Publics They Serve
Silas, Irene (2019), Do We Belong? Understanding How Program Directors Perceive the Role of the Intensive English Programs on University Campuses
Singh, Preeti (2019), Modeling Context-Adaptive Energy-Aware Security in Mobile Devices
Smith, Sara Rose (2019), Moderators of Positive and Negative Spillover
Soloka, Mike Alvin (2019), Simulation Exploration of the Potential of Connected Vehicles in Mitigating Secondary Crashes
Spinner, Yvonne Mary (2019), Examining the Effects of Co-Teaching in Doubled-Sized Third Grade Classrooms in Select Northeast Florida Public Schools.
Strickland, John Scott (2019), Experimental Analysis of Protective Headgear Used in Defensive Softball Play
Surprenant, Britni Grace (2019), Evaluating False Memory, Deception, and Truth-Telling using fNIRS
Swartz, Christine (2019), An Examination of the Organization-Public Relationship Dimensions of Communication Between Museums and its Publics
Szott, Emily A. (2019), Assessment of Spatial Overlap and Social Mixing as a Pathway for Disease Transmission in a Northeast Florida Estuarine Dolphin Population
Timpanaro, Anthony (2019), Reduction of NOx Emissions in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using SNCR with In-Cylinder Injection of Aqueous Urea
Titus, Courtney Lyn (2019), A Process, Structure, and Property Study of Gallium-based Room Temperature Metallic Alloys
Tran, Tuan H. (2019), Landing-Gear Impact Response: A Non-linear Finite Element Approach
Williams, Ronnie (2019), Exploring the perceptions of secondary assistant principals toward their development as instructional leaders
Wright, Jennifer Lynn (2019), Examining the influence of the leader in me on school grades
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Adams-Manning, Andrea (2018), Individual and Organizational Culture Predictors of Participation in Training and Development Activities among Student Affairs Professionals
Anto Morais, Faustina J. (2018), Implementation of Cache Attack on Real Information Centric Networking System
Armendinger, Chelsey Lauren (2018), Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Malnutrition Education Program in the Outpatient Setting
Baker, Shelletta (2018), Conscious Conclusions: The Effect of Positive-Attitude Cues on Teacher Candidate Dispositions about Mathematics
Bakewell, Katie (2018), Self-Assembly of DNA Graphs and Postman Tours
Betton, Samantha O. (2018), Presidential Approaches to Fundraising at Selected Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Blair, James M. (2018), Architectures for Real-Time Automatic Sign Language Recognition on Resource-Constrained Device
Boltz, Adrian Joseph (2018), Relationship Between Concussion Symptom Clusters and Return-to-Play Time in College Athletes with Sports-Related Concussions: 2009-2010 to 2013-2014 DISC
Brown, Amber (2018), Detection of cyanotoxins (microcystins/nodularins) in hepatic tissues and epidermal mats of stranded bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Northeast Florida
Brown, Katharine Creevey (2018), A Consideration of Mason’s Ethical Framework: The Importance of PAPA Factors in the 21st Century: A Seven-Year Study
Byrd, Anna (2018), A Study of State College Faculty Trust in Immediate Supervisors
Campiz, Ryan (2018), Coupling Radio Frequency Energy Via the Embedded Rebar Cage in a Reinforced Concrete Structure for the Purpose of Concrete Degradation Sensing
Carpenter, Rachel (2018), Pokémon Go as a Positive Virtual Reality Game: Promoting Cognitive, Affective, and Empathic Benefits
Cissel, Heather O. (2018), Developing a social media behavior scale
Claxton, Taylor Leigh (2018), Student Perceptions of Police
Coffey, Lucas B. (2018), Assessing Ratio-Based Fatigue Indexes Using a Single Channel EEG
Copello, Evan (2018), Hard Copy versus #Hashtag: Examining the Channels of Terrorist Propaganda
Corrick, Corey Travis (2018), Spatial variation in fishery exploitation of mature female blue crabs (C. sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay
Crutchfield, Daniel (2018), Get Legitimate: Achievements Promote Recovery from Addiction via Non-Addict Identity
Cushway, Clayton Andrew (2018), The Microstructural Annealing Response of Cold Gas Dynamically Sprayed Al 6061
Davies, Matthew P. (2018), Soil Improvement Using Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation and Surfactant Induced Soil Strengthening
Drayton, Antwana L. (2018), Opioid Use Disorder: The Ugly Return and Treatment Effectiveness of Heroin Use
Duffin, Paige Joy (2018), Establishing relationships among environmental stressors, host immune status, and wasting disease susceptibility in the dominant seagrass species Thalassia testudinum
El Safty, Abdallah and EL Safty, Abdallah Walid (2018), A Novel Design to Harness Water-Wave Energy
Emord, Nicholas (2018), High Speed, Micron Precision Scanning Technology for 3D Printing Applications
Field, Graeme (2018), Particle Filters for State Estimation of Confined Aquifers
Fletcher, William (2018), Potential Replacement of the US Navy's Rapid Penetration Test with the Method of Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves
Fong, Joseph D. (2018), The Distinction of the Interactions Between the Transmembrane Domains of Basigin Gene Products and Monocarboxylate Transporters
Friswold-Atwood, Sarah (2018), Living-Learning Communities Effect on Students’ Self-Efficacy of their Successful Social and Academic Transition to College
Gaston, Keith E. (2018), Distance Learning for Professional Development in Law Enforcement - What Works
Gibbs, Alarie A. (2018), The Perceptions of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organization Leaders Regarding Their Role in K-12 Arts Education
Gomes Affonseca Netto, Nelson (2018), The Effect of Friction Stir Processing on The Microstructure and Tensile Behavior of Aluminum Alloys
Greene, Robert Allan (2018), The Effect of Modality on Student Achievement and Course Completion in a Developmental Mathematics Course
Haule, Henrick Joseph (2018), Evaluation of Traffic Incident Timeline to Quantify the Performance of Incident Management Strategies
Hayes, Caleb (2018), Tetratricopeptide 39C (TTC39C) Is Upregulated During Skeletal Muscle Atrophy and is Necessary for Muscle Cell Differentiation
Joiner, Joshua M. (2018), Automating CIRI Ratings of Human Rights Reports Using Gate
Jones, Donald (2018), Development of Forward and Inversion Schemes for Cross-Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar
Kaddour, Inan (2018), Mobile Cloud Computing: A Comparison Study of Cuckoo and AIOLOS Offloading Frameworks
Karaer, Alican (2018), Effects of Traffic Incidents on Adjacent Facilities and Alternative Re-Routing Strategies
Klempin, Rebekah Faith (2018), Parent Perceived Stress and Child Temperament: Qualities that Facilitate or Impede Child Developmental Outcomes
LaValley, Christopher Travis (2018), Holistic Model of Website Design Elements that Influence Trustworthiness
Makley, Tracey S. (2018), Intellectual Property Policies Concerning Ownership of Faculty-Created Online Course Materials in Public Higher Education Institutions
Matemu, Christian Hillary (2018), Development of a One-Way Coupled Diffraction/Trapped Air Model for Predicting Wave Loading on Bridge Superstructure Under Water Wave Attack
McCarthy, Elizabeth Ann (2018), Twitter Use During Hurricane Irma: How the Local Government Agencies Amplify and Attenuate Risk Factors for the Vulnerable Populations
McClanahan, Sarah Meghan (2018), Associations between Parenting, Neurobiological Variables, and Adolescent and Young Adult Risk-Taking
McGill, Robert James (2018), Teacher Perspectives Regarding the Pedagogical Practices Most Culturally Responsive to African American Middle School Students
Michael, Brett C. (2018), Attrition in Behavioral Parent Training Programs in Clinical and Community Settings: A Meta-analytic Review
Morgan, Clark R. (2018), Distribution and community structure of First Coast shark assemblages and their relative trophic niche dynamics
Morris, Megan Colleen (2018), Treatment Analysis of a Captive Male Jaguar (Panthera onca)
Mortimer, Anthony D. (2018), Priorities for School Safety: The Alignment between Federal and State School Safety Legislation and Safety Needs as Perceived by Education Stakeholders in Florida Private Schools for Exceptional Students
Mowle, Adrien Kathleen (2018), Characterization of Vitellogenesis in the Bonnethead Shark Sphyrna tiburo
Njobelo, Gwamaka Lameck (2018), A Microscopic Simulation Study of Applications of Signal Phasing and Timing Information in a Connected Vehicle Environment
Olah, Matthew D. (2018), Putting the “Gay” in Gamers: Increasing Identification with Homosexuals Through Video Games
Olunuga, Adetunji A. (2018), Profile Analysis of Mobile Application Security
Perdomo, Melissa C. (2018), The Effects of Tact-to-Mand Transfer Procedures and Prompting Procedures for Increasing Independent Mands in a Child with Autism
Peterson, Bryan E. (2018), "Contra haereticos accingantur": The Union of Crusading and Anti-heresy Propaganda
Raabe, Jennifer M. (2018), Vertical Distribution of Meroplankton and Bivalve Competition in a Well-Mixed Estuary
Rariden, Brandi Scot (2018), Sedentary Time and the Cumulative Risk of Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction Heart Failure: from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Reynolds, David A. (2018), The effects of the red tide producing dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, and associated brevetoxins on viability and sublethal stress responses in scleractinian coral: a potential regional stressor to coral reefs
Robin, Dominic (2018), The Inevitability of Decay: Disability in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea
Rodriguez, Michael (2018), Learning Strategies Employed by College Aged Students with Disabilities: The Link Between Metacognition, Motivation, and Working Memory
Rodriguez-Velez, Ayshka Elise (2018), Power Mobility Sensor Data Collection Verified through Standardized Pediatric Assessments
Rousis, Gregory (2018), The Truth is Out There: The Use of Conspiracy Theories by Radical Violent Extremist Organizations
Rowe, Tara (2018), College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Their Knowledge of Self-determination: A Study to Inform Educational Practices and Policies
Sanchez, Mackenzie Lee (2018), Effect of Vessel-Generated Waves in Near Low Tide Conditions on Shorelines in the Intracoastal Waterways
Shields, Chelsea (2018), Reproductive Biology of the Tiger Shark in the Western Atlantic Ocean
Shore, Brian M. (2018), The Influence of Emotional Woundedness on Clergy Leaders In the Christian and Missionary Alliance A Q Methodology Study
Smith, Morgan M. Mr. (2018), The Role of Wave Self-Similarity in Nearshore Wave Spectra
Stuart, Justin (2018), "Who will teach the poor little ones to say their prayers?" Catholics, Protestant, and Black Education in Reconstruction Era St. Augustine, Florida.
Swift, Charis Lee (2018), The Perceived Emotional Intelligence of Elementary Principals and Teachers' Job Satisfaction: Do They Relate?
Talluri, Sai Raghu (2018), Towards Designing Energy Efficient Symmetric Key Protocols
Turlapaty, Sandhya (2018), Implementation and Performance Comparison of Some Heuristic Algorithms for Block Sorting
Veilleux, Candice J. (2018), Impressions of a Female Political Candidate Based on Political Party Affiliation
Vieira, Michelle Ann (2018), An Integrated Closed Convergent System for Optimal Extraction of Head-Driven Tidal Energy
Villanueva, Chelsea Denise (2018), Molecular and Evolutionary Analysis of Cyanobacterial Taxonomic Methods
Ward, Nikole S. (2018), Investigation of Near-Bottom Current Characteristics Along an Open-Ocean Coast
Webster, Benjamin (2018), On Representations of the Jacobi Group and Differential Equations
Wheeler, Nathan (2018), On the Effectiveness of an IOT - FOG - CLOUD Architecture for a real-world application
Williams, Nadina Melina (2018), Cross-Cultural Study of the Predictors of Learning in Children Ages 11-15 Years Old
Yetsko, Kelsey L. (2018), Estimating the heritability of thermal tolerance in Acropora cervicornis and the physiological basis of adaptation that correlates to survival at elevated temperatures
Yoho, Michael (2018), Self-Monitoring and Friendship: Individual Differences in Relationship Dissolution
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Ale, Joanna L. (2017), Appreciating Neurodiversity: ASD Perceptions of Experiences in a Higher Education Transition Program and the Implications for Higher Ed Leaders
Alkadi, Alaa (2017), Anomaly Detection in RFID Networks