




Paper Type

Doctoral Dissertation


College of Education and Human Services

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD)


Leadership, School Counseling & Sport Management

NACO controlled Corporate Body

University of North Florida. Department of Leadership, School Counseling & Sports Management

First Advisor

Dr. Daniel Dinsmore

Second Advisor

Dr. Amanda Pascale

Third Advisor

Dr. Amanda Kulp

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Richmond Wynn

Department Chair

Dr. Kristy Sweeney

College Dean

Dr. Jennifer Kane


Internationally, research productivity bears significance for an institution’s reputation and overall research ranking. Many previous efforts surrounding faculty issues have focused on individual faculty research productivity. This study reimagined the definition of productivity as an academic’s impact on scholarly research, evidenced by their h-index.

At the same time, the need for diversity of faculty populations is becoming more urgent, even in a time when the number of tenure-earning faculty positions is diminishing and those which remain are occupied mainly by white men. To add to the disparities, it is reported that only 4% of full-time faculty are Black women. Black women who are tenured or tenure-earning present in even fewer numbers.

This examination explored if and how current measures of research productivity might inherently act as structural barriers to the success of Black women faculty. An emerging body of literature suggests that cultural taxation––additional service duties placed on minoritized academics because of their cultural identity––is a barrier to tenure and promotion.

A polygamous Ordinal Logistic Regression model was employed to understand the influence of perceived affordances and barriers to Black women’s research productivity. Results suggest that personal and environmental factors do not significantly influence research productivity, whereas behavioral factors such as cultural taxation do. This study will contribute to the literature on faculty issues for Black women in academia and suggests practical ways in which departmental leaders can foster a more equitable scholarly environment.
