A Closer Look—Virtual Office—Provider Focus Team, 3/14/2000
Description: The video begins by summarizing Virtual Office and outline the contents of the video. The difference between obtaining surgery with and without Virtual Office is explained with reenactments of the process. The presenter introduces Virtual Office’s Provider Focus Team. Members of the Provider Focus Team explain their jobs. Examples of members of the Provider Focus Team helping providers obtain information and clearances both by phone and in person are shown. A representative of a provider and a representative of a customer praise the convenience of Virtual Office in testimonials.
Publication Date
Suggested Citation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. A Closer Look—Virtual Office—Provider Focus Team, 3/14/2000. Florida Blue Audiovisual Materials. University of North Florida, Thomas G. Carpenter Library Special Collections and Archives. https://digitalcommons.unf.edu/flblue_media/19/