National Conference Jacksonville—Show #1 Silvers Show #2 25 Years of History and Robert T. Shircliff

National Conference Jacksonville—Show #1 Silvers Show #2 25 Years of History and Robert T. Shircliff



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This video is a collection of two videos from the National Conference presented by White Hawk Pictures and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. The first video details the community service and charity work of Howard I. Korman, William E. Scheu, and Gertrude Hoffman Peele, the 1995 Silver Honorees. The second video details the history of the National Conference Jacksonville as told by Robert T. Shircliff. The video shows those who have received awards for their community service. Shircliff explains his experience serving others and receiving the silver medallion.

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National Conference Jacksonville—Show #1 Silvers Show #2 25 Years of History and Robert T. Shircliff
