Blue on Blue 2nd Quarter, 6/1994

Blue on Blue 2nd Quarter, 6/1994



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Description: Begins with an overview of the Employee Communications Survey and the results. In response to employee inquiries regarding health care reform, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida implemented two newsletters and a telephone information line that inform employees of all updates. A new segment is added to “Blue on Blue” titled “Outlook on Reform.” New proposed health care laws threaten to dismantle Managed Care. Updates on the CHPA Regions program. Overview of ways in which Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida has seen growth in the past year. Expansion of product Medicare called “Medicare and More.” Included is a promotional advertisement for “Medicare and More.” “Long Term Care” is expanded to be accessible to members statewide. Overview of seminars held by Medicare Part B for providers. Appreciation luncheon and overview of Operations Maintenance and Response Team. Implementation of new Florida Blue plans connected through ITS. GLOBE (Growing and Learning Over and Beyond Expectation) awards celebration is shown. Review of regional updates. A new segment of “Blue on Blue” is introduced titled “Take Note” that includes company policy updates for employees such as 401K Salary Deferral Plan Enhancements and U.S. Savings Bond Payroll Savings Plan. Reminder of the Help Desk as a tool for employees to use is included. The March of Dimes “Walk America” event is discussed. Review of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida responses to Hurricane Hugo and the San Francisco earthquake. Videos and pamphlets were produced chronicling national disasters and how to survive them. Updates on Corporate Compliance Program. Upcoming events including a food drive and the annual United Way campaign.

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Blue on Blue 2nd Quarter, 6/1994
