NCCJ Humanitarian Awards—Host-Speaker Ernie Brodsky

NCCJ Humanitarian Awards—Host-Speaker Ernie Brodsky



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This video is a recording of the National Conference Jacksonville Awards dinner hosted by Ernie Brodsky of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. After introductory statements, a video is played that explains the National Conference, its values, and its programs. After the meal, a statement written by Jacksonville’s mayor, John Delaney, is read thanking the National Conference and speaking on the city of Jacksonville’s growing diversity. The board of the organization is acknowledged. Then videos about the 1996 Humanitarian Award recipients, William C. Mason, Douglas J. Milne, and Dr. Orrin Mitchell, play. Each recipient thanks their supporters after receiving their silver medallion. The video concludes with closing statements on acceptance and peace and then prayer.

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NCCJ Humanitarian Awards—Host-Speaker Ernie Brodsky
