"Mitigating Disparities in Community HIV Testing among Youth and Young " by Joseph Mims, Katrina Odell et al.

Florida Public Health Review

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Prevention strategies are a key lever for reducing HIV incidence, which differentially affects jurisdictions. HIV incidence coexists with social determinants of health, health-related disparities, poverty, and other risk factors. One zip code in Jacksonville, Florida’s urban core fit the description of a disadvantaged jurisdiction; hence, the local HIV prevention consortia implemented a theory-based, social outreach HIV prevention event, which attracted 189 residents and 64 tested for HIV. Survey data from 120 respondents indicated that event attendees viewed the event’s prevention activities and the supporting entertainment music favorably. Respondents liked the emphases on healthy behaviors, health education, and community capacity to address HIV; but they disliked the outdoor heat and the small turnout; therefore, they recommended hosting future events indoors and doing more advertising. Some respondents even volunteered to assist in planning future events. Logistic regression examined odds ratios for five dichotomous outcome variables cross-tabbed by race, comparing null and saturated models. None of the odds ratios were significant, indicating respondent’s consensus on event feedback. Going forward, event planners aim to implement feedback received from participants; attract a large fan base, and increase the sample size from 120 to 263, so the margin of error is 6.0% rather than 8.92%.
