Creation Date
Raymond-Richardson Aviation School Marker Douglas GA
This marker is located at Douglas-Coffee County Veterans Park, US 441/221 S in Douglas, Coffee County, GA.
It reads as :
" Wesley Raymond, Robert Richardson and others founded a school here in 1939 to teach basic flight skills to college students. With the start of World War II, the school became the 63rd Flight Training Detachment Airbase and provided primary flight training for several thousand young men. In addition to working clerical and food preparation jobs, many local women served as civilian base dispatchers and aircraft mechanics. Although officially closed in 1944, the airstrip and hangers have continued in use as a municipal airport and the barracks and administration buildings have seen a wide variety of community uses."
Erected by The Georgia Historical Society, Wiregrass Historical Society and the City of Douglas.
Latitude, Longitude
31.47970000, -82.85140000
Recommended Citation
Taylor, George Lansing Jr., "Raymond-Richardson Aviation School Marker, Douglas GA" (2012). George Lansing Taylor Collection Main Gallery. 4760.
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