
Creation Date
Gravesite for Wellington Wilson Cummer (1848-1909) and Ada Gerrish Cummer (1853-1929) found on the grounds of Evergreen Cemetery in Jacksonville, Florida. The Cummer family was one of the largest employers in Jacksonville during the early 1900's and the largest private landowners in the state. Inscription on the gravesite: "An oak has fallen - in the time of changing leaves and somber haze. a man has fallen - in his prime. and this the triumph o'er the tomb: the man who slumbers does not die his life doth other lives illume". Evergreen Cemetery is on the National Register of Historic Places (NRIS #11000157).
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Recommended Citation
Taylor, George Lansing Jr., "Wellington W. Cummer and Ada Gerrish Cummer gravesite Jacksonville, FL" (2011). George Lansing Taylor Collection Main Gallery. 5859.