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In the fall of 1979 the Energy Study Committee received its charge: "Moving Toward an Energy Efficient Jacksonville- how should Jacksonville approach this problem?" This report examines the energy situation to ascertain whether crisis conditions really exist. In the broadest terms, this means a close look at two things: supplies and consumption. The report is limited to the examination of the availability and consumption of oil in both the nation and Jacksonville in the short term (the next 5 years), and in the long term (the next 20 years), for the fueling of the transportation system and for the generation of electricity to support land use patterns and the built environment. The report concentrates on Jacksonville's transportation sector, primarily automobile travel and the residential sector, because these sectors are Jacksonville's largest energy consumers. But supplies, systems, and buildings are only part of the energy story. Individuals in their homes, cars and workplaces are the true consumers. While this report attempts to provide some insight into how people cope with and respond to the energy crisis, it does not examine the sociological consequences caused by the crisis. The report makes recommendations as to how Jacksonville should respond to the crisis and encourages strong conservation measures. PALMM

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