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Jack Kleinsinger presents Highlights in Jazz. The concert was held at The Pace Downtown Theater, Thursday, April 10th, 2003 at 8:00 pm in cooperation with Pace University Performing Arts, Dr. Nicholas Catalano- University Director. Jack served as producer and master of ceremonies for the series of concerts. Artists for the concert include Randy Sanke, Joe Wilder, Ken Peplowski, Wycliffe Gordon, Ray Anderson, Scott Robinson, Uri Caine, Greg Cohen, Lewis Nash, Lyambinko, and Torsten Zwingenberger. Surprise Guests Mark Lowenthal and Robin Draganic.
Music | Music Education | Music Performance | Music Practice
Recommended Citation
Kleinsinger, Jack and Gottlieb, Danny, "Highlights in Jazz Concert 247- Horns A-Plenty" (2003). Jack Kleinsinger Presents Highlights in Jazz. 208.
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This digitized collection has been made accessible for the purposes of education and research. Due to the nature of archival collections, we are not always able to confirm the copyright status of certain materials. We are eager to hear from any rights owners, so that we may obtain accurate information. Upon request, we will remove material from public view while we address a rights issue.
The scrapbook contains clippings and photographs. The video interview with Jack Kleinsinger was conducted by Danny Gottlieb in October 2012.
Concert audio not available at this time.