Publication Date
Front: "Florida Saint Johns River Steamers (De Bary Line) Pass - Until Dec. 31st 1894 Unless Otherwise Ordered - No. 453 1894 - Marshall H Clyde President" Back: "Conditions. - This Pass is not transferable, and is issued and given only on condition that the person receiving it assumes all risk of accident, and expressly agrees that the Company is not liable, under any circumstances, whether of negligence by their Agents, or otherwise, for any injury to the person, or for any loss or injury to his property while using the Pass. If presented by any other than the person named hereon, the Purser will take up this Pass, and collect full fare. This Pass will not be recognized for passage unless signed in ink by party to whom issued." M#127
Recommended Citation
Trip Pass: Florida Saint Johns River Steamers, Jacksonville Florida 1894. 1894. Richard Mette Collection. University of North Florida, Thomas G. Carpenter Library Special Collections and Archives. UNF Digital Commons,