Volume V, 2006
Submissions from 2006
Osprey Journal of Ideas and Inquiry Vol.5 Spring 2006 Editor's Note, Mary O. Borg
Differences in Men’s and Women’s Perception of Infidelity in Varying Situations, Bonnie L. Brogdon, April L. Fitzwater, and Lucille C. Johnson
Mothers Who Kill: Number of Victims, Sexism, and a Just World, Kelly Cook, Nicole Feldman, and Rebecca Martin
Digital Repertoires: Non-State Actors and ICTs, Christopher J. Cox
Next Year in Jerusalem: A 21st Century, Medieval Pilgrimage Site, Mark Fafard
Structural Vibrations Laboratory Demonstrator, Reen E. Foley
Survey on Study Abroad: Data from 600 UNF Freshmen, Emma Glencross and Lisa E. Wills
Falling Into Love, Adam Groff
Looking Behind the Veil of an Idealized Past: The Useful Legacy of a False Prophet, James Holeman
Federal Funds Target Rate Changes and Sector Equity Returns, Michael King and Scott Martin
Design, Fabrication, and Implementation of Jump-Cue Testing Machine, Joe Lewandowski and Ivan Faustino
Isokinetic Hamstring: Quadriceps Strength Ratio in Males and Females: Implications for ACL Injury, Meghan Eileen Lyons
Microsoft .NET and Security Provided by High -Level Internet Protocols, Tatiana Melnik
Ruthless Oppressors? Unraveling the Myth About the Spanish Inquisition, Drek Ortiz
In the Lion’s Den: Orthodox Christians under Ottoman Rule, 1400-1550, Neil Paradise
Spectacle of Redemption: Film as Religious Iconography, Michal Paul
The Cult of Love, Michal Paul
System Simulations of DSTRD and TH-PPM for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Wireless Communications, Kevin Phillips
Behavioral Observations of Western Lowland Gorillas: Understanding the Relationship Between Diets and Behaviors in Primate Bachelor Groups, Chelsea E. Quinn
“Temporary Gentlemen” on the Western Front: Class Consciousness and the British Army Officer, 1914-1918, Laura Root
The Birds in My Life, Christopher Sylvester
Calorie Restriction Enhances Longevity Without Reducing Lifetime Fecundity or Glucose Titers in Female Lubber Grasshoppers, Sean M. Wells, Iris Cynthia Allen, Erin Fuller, Stephen Melnyk, and John Quattrochi
Men as Bars, Women as Hotels, Reginald Youngblood