Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Kassie Terrell, Dr. Tes Tuason
Faculty Sponsor College
Brooks College of Health
Faculty Sponsor Department
Public Health
SOARS Virtual Conference
Presentation Website
SOARS (Conference) (2020 : University of North Florida) -- Posters; University of North Florida. Office of Undergraduate Research; University of North Florida. Graduate School; College students – Research -- Florida – Jacksonville -- Posters; University of North Florida – Graduate students – Research -- Posters; University of North Florida. Department of Public Health -- Research -- Posters; Health Sciences -- Research – Posters
The field of contemplative science has produced promising research supporting the connection between prosocial skill-building and mental health. From a counseling perspective, this information can be utilized to improve present methodologies and analyze how concepts like forgiveness and meaning-making effect areas of dysfunction, mitigate the effects of daily stressors, and transform the impact of transgressions. The current presentation examines data from two pilot studies (St1 and St2) analyzing the theorized constructs of dispositional forgiveness, how these constructs can be reliably measured, and the benefit of cultivating forgiveness as a form of mental wellness inoculation.
Included in
Forgiveness and Resiliency: The Role of Forgiveness in Mitigating the Effects of Daily Stressors and Fostering Overall Wellbeing
SOARS Virtual Conference
The field of contemplative science has produced promising research supporting the connection between prosocial skill-building and mental health. From a counseling perspective, this information can be utilized to improve present methodologies and analyze how concepts like forgiveness and meaning-making effect areas of dysfunction, mitigate the effects of daily stressors, and transform the impact of transgressions. The current presentation examines data from two pilot studies (St1 and St2) analyzing the theorized constructs of dispositional forgiveness, how these constructs can be reliably measured, and the benefit of cultivating forgiveness as a form of mental wellness inoculation.