Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Johana Barrero, Dr. Angeles Fernandez Cifuentes
Faculty Sponsor College
College of Arts and Sciences
Faculty Sponsor Department
Languages, Literatures & Cultures
SOARS Virtual Conference
Presentation Website
SOARS (Conference) (2021 : University of North Florida) – Archives; SOARS (Conference) (2021 : University of North Florida) – Posters; University of North Florida -- Students -- Research – Posters; University of North Florida. Office of Undergraduate Research; University of North Florida. Graduate School; College students – Research -- Florida – Jacksonville – Posters; University of North Florida – Undergraduates -- Research – Posters; University of North Florida. Department of Languages; Literatures and Cultures. Spanish Program -- Research – Posters; Open educational resources -- Multimedia -- Posters
OER-Immersive Multimedia Materials Project: VR as an Agent of Change Alexander Isin, Computer Science/ Spanish Major (Main researcher) Jade Basilius, Communication/ Spanish Major (Main researcher) Mentors: Johana Barrero, Ph. D., Ångeles Fernández Cifuentes, Ph. D. This project aims at the design and development of immersive instructional materials (with a focus on virtual reality) for the Spanish language, literature, and culture classroom. It specifically involves the design of an interactive 360-degree experience in Spanish about the Florida Keys Coral Reefs and their environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural impact on the community. My involvement in the project focused on the research of different platforms to optimize streaming of 360-degree footage, the development metadata standards for 3D content, and the implementation of the immersive experience design, which included the edition of the video footage through 3D Vista, a program that develops multimedia virtual tours. The project seeks to design and implement student-created materials in our Spanish curriculum at UNF to enhance learning objectives and increase student engagement, to make connections with the community through partners such as the Coral Restoration Foundation, and to collaboratively create immersive instructional materials and share resources and common goals with schools from the Duval County Public System.
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OER Immersive Mulitmedia Materials Project: VR as an Agent of Change
SOARS Virtual Conference
OER-Immersive Multimedia Materials Project: VR as an Agent of Change Alexander Isin, Computer Science/ Spanish Major (Main researcher) Jade Basilius, Communication/ Spanish Major (Main researcher) Mentors: Johana Barrero, Ph. D., Ångeles Fernández Cifuentes, Ph. D. This project aims at the design and development of immersive instructional materials (with a focus on virtual reality) for the Spanish language, literature, and culture classroom. It specifically involves the design of an interactive 360-degree experience in Spanish about the Florida Keys Coral Reefs and their environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural impact on the community. My involvement in the project focused on the research of different platforms to optimize streaming of 360-degree footage, the development metadata standards for 3D content, and the implementation of the immersive experience design, which included the edition of the video footage through 3D Vista, a program that develops multimedia virtual tours. The project seeks to design and implement student-created materials in our Spanish curriculum at UNF to enhance learning objectives and increase student engagement, to make connections with the community through partners such as the Coral Restoration Foundation, and to collaboratively create immersive instructional materials and share resources and common goals with schools from the Duval County Public System.