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This summary of project evaluation findings was presented to the InTERSECT team and DCPS leaders in February 2023 as a supplement to the Year 2 Summative Evaluation Report. The evaluation examined effects of Project InTERSECT on Cohorts 1 and 2, including student mathematics achievement and teacher perceptions. The project has had significant impacts on students’ mathematics achievement. Compared to a business-as-usual group (which was matched to the treatment group based on pretest scores, demographics, and grade level), students in Project InTERSECT classrooms performed significantly higher on iReady Math assessments. Treatment effects were particularly large for kindergarten (Hedges’ g = .34) and first grade students (g = .21). InTERSECT also impacted teachers’ perceptions. Compared to business-as-usual teachers, participants’ efficacy for teaching STEM was significantly higher, with large effects evident in efficacy for teaching Computational Thinking (g = 1.11), Math (g = .91), and Science (g = .63). Participation in InTERSECT also predicted teachers’ leadership beliefs (g = .48); perceptions of the quality and relevance of PD (g = 1.02), collaboration/coaching (g = .79), and feedback (g = .96). In general, findings are consistent across the Teacher Leader and PD pathways, suggesting the effectiveness of both teacher dosages in promoting improvements in teacher perceptions and student performance.
Publication Date:
Evaluation; Student mathematics achievement; Teaching efficacy; Role comfort; Collaboration; Dosage effects
Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Educational Methods | Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Science and Mathematics Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Recommended Citation
Wright, Natalie, "Summary of Effects: Impact of InTERSECT on Student Math Achievement and Teacher Perceptions" (2023). STEM Research. 2.

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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons