
Distance learning has many challenges for both the student and the faculty member. Among these challenges is engaging with students via technology in ways that are similar to face-to-face interactions. These virtual interactions help enhance and strengthen the relationship formed between faculty and students. Moreover, they help students learn in a familiar manner, which is seeing and listening to feedback to learn how to improve their skills. One app that can be used to accomplish this in a virtual setting is Screencast-O-Matic. This app records the selected area of a screen and allows for a voice over and a visual recording of the faculty member as well, if desired. Students submit their papers via Blackboard and the papers are graded using the rubric and functions in Crocodoc. Then a video recording is done using the app where the instructor scrolls through the paper providing feedback on its strengths and weaknesses and how to improve for the next assignment. The video is then uploaded to Blackboard so the student can see why he or she earned the recorded grade and can watch the video to learn how to improve their skills. I have used this app to provide feedback to students for two years with very positive feedback, and I have seen their writing improve. This technique takes the place of having the student physically go to one’s office to receive detailed feedback on their work, while still providing the personal attention many students seek.



Personalizing Feedback in a Virtual Environment

Distance learning has many challenges for both the student and the faculty member. Among these challenges is engaging with students via technology in ways that are similar to face-to-face interactions. These virtual interactions help enhance and strengthen the relationship formed between faculty and students. Moreover, they help students learn in a familiar manner, which is seeing and listening to feedback to learn how to improve their skills. One app that can be used to accomplish this in a virtual setting is Screencast-O-Matic. This app records the selected area of a screen and allows for a voice over and a visual recording of the faculty member as well, if desired. Students submit their papers via Blackboard and the papers are graded using the rubric and functions in Crocodoc. Then a video recording is done using the app where the instructor scrolls through the paper providing feedback on its strengths and weaknesses and how to improve for the next assignment. The video is then uploaded to Blackboard so the student can see why he or she earned the recorded grade and can watch the video to learn how to improve their skills. I have used this app to provide feedback to students for two years with very positive feedback, and I have seen their writing improve. This technique takes the place of having the student physically go to one’s office to receive detailed feedback on their work, while still providing the personal attention many students seek.


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