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This video includes unrehearsed interpreted situations and discussions demonstrating examples of a deaf interpreter's work, including the work of a deaf/hearing interpreting team. The material includes 1) an introduction to deaf interpreting and deaf/hearing interpreting team work, 2) an interview with the deaf and hearing interpreter team regarding their backgrounds and work as interpreters, 3) interpretation of a written document, 4) a brief look at a situation where the Deaf/hearing team interpret using gestuno, or international sign, and 5) a clip of the Deaf/hearing interpreting team interpreting a mental health counseling session.
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Communication Sciences and Disorders | Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Speech and Hearing Science
Suggested Citation
Forestal, Eileen; Ressler, Carolyn; Morales, Mark; White, Sandra; Jimenez, Alvaro; Fedorov, Alexander; Price, Shannon; and James, Steven, "Examples of a Deaf Interpreter's Work" (2012). Course Materials. 50.