

Paper Type

Master's Thesis


College of Arts and Sciences

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology (MACP)



First Advisor

Dr. Larry W. Neidigh

Second Advisor

Dr. Russel Jones


The relationship between socially oriented client characteristics and facilitative therapist variables on client perceptions of the therapeutic relationship (CPTR) was investigated. Subjects were75 undergraduate students who answered a pretherapy questionnaire to measure the socially oriented client variables trusting, warmth, dominance (16PF), sex role orientation (Bem Sex Role Inventory), wanted and expressed inclusion, control, and affection (FIRO-B). Subjects were blocked on trusting and expressed affection and randomly assigned to a warm or neutral therapist condition where they saw a counselor for one fifty minute session. CPTR was measured using the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory, Counselor Rating Form, Therapist Rating Scales and Global Warmth Rating. Results indicated that subjects perceived a difference in the warm and neutral therapist conditions. And there was a significant interaction between the client variables of trusting and therapist condition. In addition, a significant interaction between the client variables of trusting and expressed affection was found. Additional correlational analysis indicated that certain other client variables are also related to CPTR.
