Blue on Blue, 6/1992

Blue on Blue, 6/1992



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Description: A message from the company president Bill Flaherty starts off this segment of Blue on Blue. He discusses the importance of implementing Blue on Blue and a company-wide employee survey as communication tools that will encourage growth and change within the company. Some company events are discussed including the restoration of a computer center in a New Jersey facility and thirty employees who attended an intensive video workshop where they learned to operate equipment and produce video footage. The development of video conferencing starts to become the main media preference for corporate meetings. Policies changing to provide better care for the elderly in nursing homes and better pricing for people who need healthcare for their children are discussed. Updates for company involvement in programs including March of Dimes “Walk America”, “Workout to Beat Cancer” events and their United Way campaign efforts are mentioned. Blue Cross Blue Shield’s “Partners in Achievement” program invites high school students from the Andrew Jackson High School to participate in learning how to process claims and earn a paycheck as well.

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Blue on Blue, 6/1992
