Blue on Blue 4th Quarter, 12/1993

Blue on Blue 4th Quarter, 12/1993



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Description: A holiday version of “Blue on Blue” that was sent home with employees. Executive Vice President of Private Business Operations, Michael Cascone, addresses Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida efforts in influencing legislation regarding health care reform at both the state and national levels. Key developments in healthcare reform are reviewed. CHPA Regions become operational, starting in Orlando, FL. Review of Blue Cross Blue Shield efforts in fighting health insurance fraud. Explanation of the job of a case manager and their importance as part of the health care system. Regional updates including employee and community events and new contracts. Donation of CPR dummies from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida to Red Cross is shown. Review of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida participation in the United Way campaign. Breast Cancer Awareness month was marked by the women employee of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida attending seminars to learn about the disease and methods of early detection. Introduction of ITS-Interplan Teleprocessing Services which is a communications tool that allows for other plans, subscribers, and providers to connect easier all in one place. Introduction of HCAP-Health Care Administration Project which allows for members to know what services will be covered during their time in the doctor’s office. Introduction of Corporate Compliance Program. Outro by Rhythm Junction, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts students.

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Blue on Blue 4th Quarter, 12/1993
