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Site of Cow Ford Marker, Jacksonville, FL.

This historical marker about Cow Ford, the original name of the City of Jacksonville, is located on the grounds of the Duval County Courthouse in downtown Jacksonville, Florida.

The text reads as :

" "This narrow part of the St. Johns River, near a clear freshwater spring was a crossing point for Indians and early travelers. The Indian name Wacca Palatka, meaning "Cow's Crossing", was shortened by the English to Cow Ford, and Jacksonville was known by this name for many years. This crossing was used by the English when they made an old Timucuan Indian Trail into King's Road."

Sponsored or placed by: Florida Board of Parks and Historic Memorials

Latitude, Longitude

30.32515000, -81.65300000

Rights Statement


Taylor, George Lansing, Jr.; Lance Taylor; Photographers -- Florida -- Jacksonville; Photograph collections -- Florida -- Jacksonville; Site of Cow Ford Marker; Site of Cow Ford; St Johns River; Cow's Crossing -Cow Ford; Duval County (Fl.); Historical marker --- Florida --- Jacksonville.; Images


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