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Dodd Hall


Dodd Hall 1 FSU Tallahassee FL

The Florida State University’s Dodd Hall — a Gatsby-era icon originally built as a library — has been recognized by the Florida chapter of The American Institute of Architects (AIA-Florida) as the 10th most popular building in Florida.

Dodd Hall was built in 1923 with $200,000 granted by the Florida Legislature for construction of a new library. Named for William George Dodd, dean of College of Arts and Sciences. Dodd Hall is the most elaborate example of Collegiate Gothic architecture on the campus.

Over the years, Dodd Hall has housed the philosophy, religion and classics departments, WFSU-TV, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Mildred and Claude Pepper Museum and Archives. It remained the Library till 1956 when the Strozier Library was built.

Latitude, Longitude

30.44032222, -84.29195278

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