About This Journal | The Journal of Interpretation | Department of Exceptional, Deaf, and Interpreter Education | University of North Florida

About This Journal

The Journal of Interpretation (JOI), published under RID Publications, publishes a broad scope of scholarly manuscripts, research reports, and practitioner essays and letters relevant to effective practices in the signed language interpreting profession. JOI provides a peer-reviewed platform for stimulating thought and discussion on topics that reflect a broad, interdisciplinary approach to interpretation and translation. JOI expressly aims to serve as an international forum for the cross-fertilization of ideas from diverse theoretical and applied fields, examining signed or spoken language interpreting and relationships between the two modalities.

The value of the JOI is dependent upon the quality of submissions received from interpreters, translators, interpreter educators, and other related professionals. This is an excellent opportunity for you to share your depth of knowledge and expertise with your fellow interpreters and a readership of more than 15,000 individuals.

Editorial Review Process

Once a manuscript is received, it is reviewed by the Editors to ensure that it adheres to the editorial standards of the journal. If the manuscript is determined to meet these standards, it is then sent to a minimum of two reviewers. JOI follows a double-blind review process that conceals the identity of both the author and the reviewers. Reviewers are asked to complete their review within a four-week time period. The Editors’ decision regarding publication is based on the reports of reviewers. Authors will be informed of the editorial decision, on average, within 6 weeks of submission. If the manuscript is a resubmission following revision, authors will be required to complete a matrix, provided to them by the Editors, that responds to the concerns of reviewers.

Editorial Board

If you are interested in reviewing manuscripts as a member of the JOI Board of Editors, the Editors invite you to submit a letter of interest. Manuscript reviewers are vital to the publications process. As a reviewer, you will gain valuable experience in publishing and provide a much-needed service to the profession. The Editors are particularly interested in encouraging members of underrepresented groups to participate in this process.

To be selected as a reviewer, you must:

(a) have published articles in peer-reviewed journals. The experience of publishing provides a reviewer with the basis for preparing a thorough, objective review.
(b) be a regular reader of several journals that are most central to the profession of interpreting. Current knowledge of recent publications provides a reviewer with the knowledge base to evaluate a new submission within the context of existing research.
(c) provide your curriculum vita with a letter of interest. In your letter, specifically describe your area of expertise.
(d) be prepared to invest the necessary time to evaluate a manuscript thoroughly (usually a minimum of four hours) and provide feedback within 4 weeks.

For more information, please contact JOI Editors, Len Roberson, Ph.D., CI and CT, SC:L