Aims & Scope | The Journal of Interpretation | Department of Exceptional, Deaf, and Interpreter Education | University of North Florida

Aims & Scope


The Journal primarily publishes three types of articles:

  • Research and Application: Original quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research reports must be accompanied by a statement that the project was undertaken with the understanding and written consent of each participant and was approved by the local ethics committee. The Editors reserve the right to reject a paper if there is doubt as to whether appropriate procedures have been used to collect data with human subjects. Authors may focus on recent original research, replication of research, or reviews of research. The RID Research Grant recipient/s will publish research-in-progress updates and final reports in the JOI.
  • Innovative Practices in Interpreting: JOI welcomes practitioner essays related to, but not limited to, business practices, interpreting with diverse populations, ethical decision-making, development and growth of the profession, mentorship, contemporary issues in interpreting, and certification.
  • Reviews: Authors will be individually invited by the Editors to review current resources (e.g., books, media, curricula, services) that are devoted to interpreting skill development, knowledge expansion, intercultural competency, and best practices. A review should advance the interpreting profession by providing a critical and comprehensive evaluation of the resource.