"Educational Interpreter Roles and Responsibilities Guiding Checklist" by Kristen Guynes, Nora Griffin-Shirley et al.


The purpose of this qualitative study was to extend development of the Educational Interpreter Roles and Responsibilities (EIRR) Guiding Checklist, which was designed to assist the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team in determining and documenting individualized roles and responsibilities of the educational interpreter, as appropriate to the needs of the student receiving such services and the qualifications of the interpreter as a related service provider. Literature indicates a long-standing state of confusion regarding the appropriate roles and responsibilities of the educational interpreter, as well as the need for more clear guidelines and procedures. The Checklist was initially designed by a certified teacher of the deaf who was experienced as an educational interpreter and supervised educational interpreters across a public-school d/Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) program. To continue preliminary instrument development towards content validation, knowledge of laws and strategies related to DHH education were deemed critical. As such, seven certified teachers of DHH students, who had at least three years’ experience supervising, overseeing, and/or providing training to educational interpreters, provided extensive feedback regarding the Checklist. Content analysis was utilized to determine themes that emerged. Results indicated significant support regarding the need for the checklist, as well as contributions towards further development, thus concluding in 63 revisions. Next steps towards development and validation are presented.

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