Measurement of F 17 (d,n) Ne 18 and the impact on the F 17 (p,γ) Ne 18 reaction rate for astrophysics

S. A. Kuvin, Florida State University
J. Belarge, Florida State University
L. T. Baby, Florida State University
J. Baker, Florida State University
I. Wiedenhöver, Florida State University
P. Höflich, Florida State University
A. Volya, Florida State University
J. C. Blackmon, Louisiana State University
C. M. Deibel, Louisiana State University
H. E. Gardiner, Louisiana State University
J. Lai, Louisiana State University
L. E. Linhardt, Louisiana State University
K. T. Macon, Louisiana State University
B. C. Rasco, Louisiana State University
N. Quails, University of North Florida
K. Colbert, University of North Florida
D. L. Gay, University of North Florida
N. Keeley, Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych, Otwock


Background: The F17(p,γ)Ne18 reaction is part of the astrophysical "hot CNO" cycles that are important in astrophysical environments like novas. Its thermal reaction rate is low owing to the relatively high energy of the resonances and therefore is dominated by direct, nonresonant capture in stellar environments at temperatures below 0.4 GK. Purpose: An experimental method is established to extract the proton strength to bound and unbound states in experiments with radioactive ion beams and to determine the parameters of direct and resonant capture in the F17(p,γ)Ne18 reaction. Method: The F17(d,n)Ne18 reaction is measured in inverse kinematics using a beam of the short-lived isotope F17 and a compact setup of neutron, proton, γ-ray, and heavy-ion detectors called resoneut. Results: The spectroscopic factors for the lowest l=0 proton resonances at Ec.m.=0.60 and 1.17 MeV are determined, yielding results consistent within 1.4σ of previous proton elastic-scattering measurements. The asymptotic normalization coefficients of the bound 21+ and 22+ states in Ne18 are determined and the resulting direct-capture reaction rates are extracted. Conclusions: The direct-capture component of the F17(p,γ)Ne18 reaction is determined for the first time from experimental data on Ne18.