Call to action on making physical activity assessment and prescription a medical standard of care

Robert E. Sallis, Permanente Medical Group
Jason M. Matuszak, Chief of Sports Medicine
Aaron L. Baggish, Massachusetts General Hospital
Barry A. Franklin, William Beaumont Hospital
Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Barbara J. Fletcher, University of North Florida
Andrew Gregory, Vanderbilt University
Elizabeth Joy, Intermountain Healthcare
Gordon Matheson, Stanford University School of Medicine
Patrick Mcbride, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
James C. Puffer, American Board of Family Medicine
Jennifer Trilk, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville
Janet Williams, American Medical Association


The U.S. population is plagued by physical inactivity, lack of cardiorespiratory fitness, and sedentary lifestyles, all of which are strongly associated with the emerging epidemic of chronic disease. The time is right to incorporate physical activity assessment and promotion into health care in a manner that engages clinicians and patients. In April 2015, the American College of Sports Medicine and Kaiser Permanente convened a joint consensus meeting of subject matter experts from stakeholder organizations to discuss the development and implementation of a physical activity vital sign (PAVS) to be obtained and recorded at every medical visit for every patient. This statement represents a summary of the discussion, recommendations, and next steps developed during the consensus meeting. Foremost, it is a "call to action" for current and future clinicians and the health care community to implement a PAVS in daily practice with every patient.