"DISC® Personal Profiles" by Kim B. Kurz, Kierstin S. Muroski et al.


Language interpretation is a discipline of choices governed by the unique personality and behavioral traits of individuals involved in an interpreted interaction. Interpreters are communication facilitators for people who do not share languages. Every interpreter has distinct personality and behavioral traits that influence their communication choices. There are benefits for interpreters to be keenly aware of personality styles and behaviors. This article reports the findings of the personality and behavioral styles using the DiSC® Personality Profile Instrument of 242 undergraduate American Sign Language-English Interpreting students over a nine-year period. Specifically the study explores the four DiSC® profiles, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance in relation to a population of emerging ASL-English interpreters. The majority of the emerging interpreters, over 76%, scored highest in either Steadiness or Influence while much fewer, less than 23%, scored highest in either Dominance or Compliance. Suggestions for working within a field with such unique profiles are offered. Awareness of the differing personality profiles has potential to improve communication effectiveness and enhance teamwork.



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