*Please note that additional publications may be accessible through UNF Faculty Research and Scholarship


Submissions from 2023


Predictors of Overweight and Obesity in Early Care and Education Teachers during COVID-19, Susan B. Sisson, Adrien Malek-Lasater, Timothy G. Ford, Diane Horm, and Kyong-Ah Kwon

Submissions from 2022


Researchers as Coaches: Developing Mathematics Teaching Capacity Using MEAs for STEM Integration, Courtney K. Baker, Terrie M. Galanti, Tammy Kraft, Nancy Holincheck, Margret Hjalmarson, and Jill K. Nelson


Instagramming for Justice: The Potentials and Pitfalls of Culturally Relevant Professional Learning on Instagram, Rachelle Curcio, C. Shelton, J. Carpenter, and S. Schroeder


Using Improvement Science to Implement and Evaluate a Teacher Residency Program in Rural School Districts, L. K. D’Amico, H. W. West, M. Baker, and Rachelle Curcio


Effects of Social Stories on Increasing Social Interaction and Engagement of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Settings, Eun Young Kwon, Joanna E. Cannon, Victoria F. Knight, Sterett H. Mercer, and Caroline Guardino


Critiquing, Curating, and Adapting: Cultivating 21st Century Critical Curriculum Literacy with Teacher Candidates, S. Schroeder and Rachelle Curcio


Methods for assessing willingness to try and vegetable consumption among children in indigenous early childcare settings: The fresh study, Marianna S. Wetherill, Mary B. Williams, Jessica Reese, Tori Taniguchi, Susan B. Sisson, Adrien D. Malek-Lasater, Charlotte V. Love, and Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan

Submissions from 2021


Assessing Graph Comprehension on Paper and Computer with MBA Students: A Crossover Experimental Study, Stacy K. Boote, David N. Boote, and Steven Williamson


Professional learning in science for teachers of the gifted: A focus on science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts, Kim A. Cheek


“Just solving for x”: Retrospective narratives of opportunities of learn on hyper-accelerated algebra I pathways, Terrie M. Galanti


Enriching TPACK in mathematics education: using digital interactive notebooks in synchronous online learning environments, Terrie Mc Laughlin Galanti, Courtney Katharine Baker, Kimberly Morrow-Leong, and Tammy Kraft


Parent–practitioner engagement in early education and the threat of negative thinking about the poor across England and the USA, Donald Simpson, Philip Mazzocco, Sandra Loughran, Eunice Lumsden, Rory Mc Dowall Clark, and Christian Winterbottom


Poetry and digital media for improving upper elementary African American science learning, Nile V. Stanley


Addressing challenging behaviours in urban high school classrooms through building relationships with students, Madalina Tanase


Culturally Responsive Teaching in Urban Secondary Schools, Madalina F. Tanase


Providing professional learning opportunities using case studies, Christine L. Weber, Cecelia Boswell, and Wendy A. Behrens


Engaging gifted teachers in professional learning about content curriculum, Christine L. Weber and Emily Mofield

Submissions from 2020


Between hope and despair: Teacher education in the age of Trump, Carolyne Ali-Khan and John Wesley White


Introduction: What are strategies?, Daniel L. Dinsmore, Luke K. Fryer, and Meghan M. Parkinson


Levels of strategies and strategic processing, Daniel L. Dinsmore and Courtney Hattan


The promise and pitfalls of self-report: Development, research design and analysis issues, and multiple methods, Luke K. Fryer and Daniel L. Dinsmore


Transnational identities in the Canadian context: Kurdish refugee youth as actors and citizens, Dilek Kayaalp


Cultivating healthy schools: The feasibility of an outdoor classroom in a public elementary school, Erin Largo-Wight, Caroline A. Guardino, and Katrina W. Hall


Using Case Studies to Develop Equity-Driven Professional Learning for Gifted Educators, Katie D. Lewis, Angela Novak, and Christine L. Weber


Exploring selves and worlds through affective and imaginative engagements with literature, William McGinley, George Kamberelis, and John Wesley White


Guiding Principles in Developing Equity-Driven Professional Learning for Educators of Gifted Children, Angela M. Novak, Katie D. Lewis, and Christine L. Weber


Developing Teacher Credibility in Urban Environments: A B.E.A.R. Necessity, Madalina F. Tanase


Collegiate Cultural Capital and Integration into the College Community, John W. White, Steven Aragon, and Amanda Pascale

Submissions from 2019


Using Reader Profiles as Snapshots to Investigate Students' Reading Performance, Daniel L. Dinsmore, Emily Fox, Meghan M. Parkinson, and Devrim Bilgili


Developing Learners’ Cognitive Strategies and the Motivation to Use Them: Rethinking Education Policy, Daniel L. Dinsmore and Luke K. Fryer


Training dilemmas and recommendations with volunteer instructors in small, faith-based adult ESL programs, Lisa Durham and Soonhyang Kim


Teacher and student perceptions of an outdoor classroom, Caroline Guardino, Katrina W. Hall, Erin Largo-Wight, and Charles Hubbuch


Understanding the developmental trajectory of second language acquisition and foreign language teaching and learning using the Model of Domain Learning, Meghan M. Parkinson and Daniel L. Dinsmore


Metacognitive changes and sources of confidence judgements in health professions classroom learning, Adam M. Persky and Daniel L. Dinsmore

Submissions from 2018


ABC problem in elementary mathematics education: Arithmetic before comprehension, Stacy K. Boote and David N. Boote


The intersection between depth and the regulation of strategy use, Daniel L. Dinsmore and Luke K. Fryer


The relation between cognitive and metacognitive strategic processing during a science simulation, Daniel L. Dinsmore and Brian P. Zoellner


Evidence-Based Practices: Providing Guidance for Early Childhood Practitioners, Kristin S. Farley, Matthew E. Brock, and Christian Winterbottom


Nature contact at school: The impact of an outdoor classroom on children’s well-being, Erin Largo-Wight, Caroline Guardino, Peter Wludyka, Katrina Hall, Jeff Wight, and Julie Merten


Multiple aspects of high school students’ strategic processing on reading outcomes: The role of quantity, quality, and conjunctive strategy use, Meghan M. Parkinson and Daniel L. Dinsmore


Talking heresy about 'quality' early childhood education and care for children in poverty, Donald Simpson, Sandra Loughran, Eunice Lumsden, Philip Mazzocco, Rory Mc Dowall Clarke, and Christian Winterbottom


Immersive Experiences in an ESE Secondary Setting: Lessons from the Classroom, Madalina Tanase and Wanda G. Lastrapes

Submissions from 2017


Format Effects of Empirically Derived Multiple-Choice Versus Free-Response Instruments When Assessing Graphing Abilities, Craig Berg and Stacy Boote


Leaping from discrete to continuous independent variables: Sixth graders’ science line graph interpretations, Stacy K. Boote and David N. Boote


Do Indonesian Children’s Experiences with Large Currency Units Facilitate Magnitude Estimation of Long Temporal Periods?, Kim A. Cheek


Learning about spatial and temporal scale: Current research, psychological processes, and classroom implications, Kim A. Cheek, Nicole D. Ladue, and Thomas F. Shipley


Examining the ontological and epistemic assumptions of research on metacognition, self-regulation and self-regulated learning, Daniel L. Dinsmore


Strategic processing in education, Daniel L. Dinsmore


Toward a Dynamic, Multidimensional Research Framework for Strategic Processing, Daniel L. Dinsmore


A meta-analysis of strategy use and performance in the model of domain learning, Daniel L. Dinsmore, Courtney Hattan, and Alexandra List


The effects of different types of text and individual differences on view complexity about genetically modified organisms, Daniel L. Dinsmore, Brian P. Zoellner, Meghan M. Parkinson, Anthony M. Rossi, Mary J. Monk, and Jenelle Vinnachi


The Model of Domain Learning: Understanding the Development of Expertise, Helenrose Fives and Daniel L. Dinsmore


Domain explorations of the model of domain learning - reading, Emily Fox and Meghan M. Parkinson


‘Seen but not heard’. Practitioners work with poverty and the organising out of disadvantaged children’s voices and participation in the early years, Donald Simpson, Sandra Loughran, Eunice Lumsden, Philip Mazzocco, Rory Mc Dowall Clark, and Christian Winterbottom


Pre-service teachers’ awareness of interdisciplinary connections: Mathematics, financial literacy, and social justice issues, Madalina F. Tanase and Thomas A. Lucey


Deconstructing meritocracy in the college classroom, John Wesley White, Carolyne Ali-Khan, and Brian P. Zoellner


Where are the guys? Increasing the number of male elementary educators, Lunetta M. Williams


Peer-recommended books: Conduits to increase reading volume, Lunetta M. Williams and Libby McDaniel


Social Justice: A Case-Study Examining the Influence of Primary Headteachers in Two Manchester Schools, Christian Winterbottom and Shauna S. Winterbottom


Do We Do Dewey? Using a Dispositional Framework to Examine Reflection Within Internship Professional Development Plans, Brian P. Zoellner, Richard H. Chant, and Kosze Lee

Submissions from 2016


A Multidimensional Investigation of Deep-level and Surface-level Processing, Daniel L. Dinsmore and Patricia A. Alexander


Student participation in assessment: Does it influence self-regulation?, Daniel L. Dinsmore and Hope E. Wilson

Teacher Influences on the Development of Students’ Personal Interest in Academic Domains, Emily Fox and Daniel L. Dinsmore


Living with an accent: a sociological analysis of linguistic strategies of immigrant youth in Canada, Dilek Kayaalp


Ways to promote the classroom participation of international students by understanding the silence of Japanese university students, Soonhyang Kim, Burcu Ates, Yurimi Grigsby, Stefani Kraker, and Timothy A. Micek


The relationship among storytelling, values, and resilience of college students from Eastern and Western cultural backgrounds, Kate Nguyen, Nile Stanley, Astrid Rank, Laurel Stanley, and Yonghui Wang


Classifying the Context Clues in Children's Text, Susan J. Parault Dowds, Heather Rogers Haverback, and Meghan M. Parkinson

Praxeological education: What are the teacher perceptions of service-learning in early childhood education in Ohio?, Christian Winterbottom and Amy B. Brunell

Praxeological learning: Service-learning in teacher education, Christian Winterbottom and Vickie E. Lake

Submissions from 2015


The effects of persuasive and expository text on metacognitive monitoring and control, Daniel L. Dinsmore, Sandra M. Loughlin, Meghan M. Parkinson, and Patricia A. Alexander


Science Trade Books and Buddies: Involving 3rd-Graders in Informational Texts, Katrina W. Hall and Lunetta M. Williams


“Reading” Paintings: Evidence for Trans-Symbolic and Symbol-Specific Comprehension Processes, Sandra Loughlin, Emily Grossnickle, Daniel Dinsmore, and Patricia Alexander


Creating a community of practice around geoscience education research: Nagt-ger, Laura A. Lukes, Nicole D. Ladue, Kim A. Cheek, Katherine Ryker, and Kristen St. John


A comparative study on storytelling perceptions of Chinese, Vietnamese, American, and German education students, Kate Nguyen, Nile Stanley, Laurel Stanley, Astrid Rank, and Yonghui Wang


Resilience in language learners and the relationship to storytelling, Kate Nguyen, Nile Stanley, Laurel Stanley, and Yonghui Wang


SocialNetworks: Making nonfiction trend in your classroom, Lunetta Williams, Kelly Scott, and Danielle Simone

Submissions from 2014


Sharing seeing: Exploring photo-elicitation with children in two different cultural contexts, Carolyne Ali-Khan and Christina Siry


Assessing and Understanding Line Graph Interpretations Using a Scoring Rubric of Organized Cited Factors, Stacy K. Boote


An intelligent tutoring system for argument-making in higher education: A pilot study, Ching Hua Chuan, Daniel Dinsmore, Joseph Schmuller, and Tyler Morris


The role of initial learning, problem features, prior knowledge, and pattern recognition on transfer success, Daniel L. Dinsmore, Peter Baggetta, Stephanie Doyle, and Sandra M. Loughlin


Every Day We're Shufflin': Empowering Students During In-School Independent Reading, Katrina W. Hall, Wanda B. Hedrick, and Lunetta M. Williams


Character journaling through social networks: Exemplifying tenets of the new literacy studies, John Wesley White and Holly Hungerford-Kresser


"But aren't diesel engines just for big, smelly trucks?" An interdisciplinary curriculum project for high school chemistry students, Brian P. Zoellner, Richard H. Chant, and Kelly Wood

Submissions from 2013


Challenging inexorability: A journey of critical optimism, Carolyne Ali-Khan


How geoscience novices reason about temporal duration: The role of spatial thinking and large numbers, Kim A. Cheek


What are confidence judgments made of? Students' explanations for their confidence ratings and what that means for calibration, Daniel L. Dinsmore and Meghan M. Parkinson


When Magic Becomes Art: Educating Teachers, Mary Sowder, Teresa Leavitt, Thomas B. Smith, and Madalina Tanase


The impact of interactive factors on Romanian students' understanding of place value, Madalina Tanase


Knowing students as mathematics learners and teaching numbers 10-100: A case study of four 1st grade teachers from Romania, Madalina Tanase and Jian Wang

Submissions from 2012


A Critical Discussion of Deep and Surface Processing: What It Means, How It Is Measured, the Role of Context, and Model Specification, Daniel L. Dinsmore and Patricia A. Alexander


A comprehensive plan for differentiating the training of teachers of the gifted online at the state, district and university levels in Florida, USA, Gillian Eriksson, Christine Weber, and Lauri Kirsch


Uncovering perceptions of the induction and mentoring experience: Developing a measure that works, Frances J. Langdon, Patricia A. Alexander, Daniel L. Dinsmore, and Alexis Ryde

Making learning to problem-solve count: Critical use of mathematics to bring about social justice, Thomas A. Lucey and Madalina Tanase


Semi-automated crack analysis system for the heavy vehicle simulator, K. Sheppard, J. Greene, B. Choubane, J. White, and J. Fletcher


Using digital texts to promote fluent reading, Andrea Thoermer and Lunetta Williams