Volume 28, Issue 2 (2020)
Educational Interpreters and the Dunning-Kruger Effect
Stephen Fitzmaurice
Embracing the Next Generation of Interpreters: A Call to Action for the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Barbara D. Garrett and Emily G. Girardin
Deaf Interpreters’ Perception of Themselves as Professionals in Ireland: A Phenomenological Study
Noel P. O'Connell and Teresa Lynch
Insights from U.S. deaf patients: Interpreters’ presence and receptive skills matter in patient-centered communication care
Brenda S. Nicodemus, Lori Whynot, and Poorna Kushalnagar
From Gestuno Interpreting to International Sign Interpreting: Improved Accessibility?
Anna-Lena Nilsson
The Impact of Compassion Fatigue on Mental Health Sign Language Interpreters Working with Children: A Thematic Analysis
Noor Khatijah Zafirah, Annabella Dyer, and Richard J. T. Hamshaw