Content Posted in 2021
101P Historical Miami, Gleason Waite Romer
10th Annual Great American Jazz Piano Competition, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
13th Annual Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
14th Annual Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
15th Annual Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
16 Historical Miami, Gleason Waite Romer
1989 Florida National Jazz Festival Jacksonville Presents the Seventh Annual Great American Jazz Piano Competition, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
1993 Annual Achievement Award, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
1995 Health Options, Inc. Physicians and Office Managers Annual Report, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
19th Annual Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
2008 Jacksonville Jazz Festival Commemorative Poster Contest, "City of Jacksonville, Office of Special Events"
2014 Blue Foundation Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Florida Blue Foundation
21st Annual WJCT Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
2+2 FJC/UNF Coordinated Program
2/Minoan Signal Homage to Teilhard, William E. Parker
3D-Printed Energy-Absorbing Polymer Structures for Reducing Injury Risk from Overhead Impacts to Hard Hats, Andrew Miceli, Grant Bevill, and Jutima Simsiriwong
43N Historical Miami, Gleason Waite Romer
43z Historical Miami, Gleason Waite Romer
497D, Gleason Waite Romer
6 Books Apart, Thomas G. Carpenter Library
A117G First Train Into Miami, Gleason Waite Romer
A196 Historical Miami, Gleason Waite Romer
A Bird's Eye View of Windsor Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, Unknown
Abstracted Geometry, Mary Ratcliff
Academic and Career Advisement
A Ceremony in Recognition of Honorary Founders, University of North Florida Foundation, Inc.
Achilles, John Cintello
Acknowledgement of Coronavirus/Covid-19 Risks: Recreation and Wellness ("Acknowledgement"), University of North Florida
A Combined Method to Short Term Demand Forecast Accuracy: Data Mining Using A Bottom-Up Approach, Brian J. Roberts
A Computational Analysis of Marine Fenders Under Heavy Weather Mooring Conditions, Zachary Eskew
A Confederate monument at Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Florida
Acquisition of a flocculent phenotype in response to in vitro exposure of Klebsiella pneumoniae to the antibiotic cephalothin., Sean M. Dorenkott
ACRL 2021 Environmental Scan, Ginny Boehme, Alex D. McAllister, Thomas R. Caswell, Kyle Denlinger, Michael Flierl, Anita R. Hall, Cindy Li, Brian D. Quigley, Minglu Wang, and Andrew J. Wesolek
Adapting a Classroom Simulation Experience to an Online Escape Room in Nutrition Education, Jenifer M. Ross, Lauri Wright, and Andrea Y. Arikawa
Adapting to a Remote Life: Using a Work Environment at Home to Our Advantage at University of North Florida Special Collections, Susan Swiatosz
A Drawing of a Mamography Unit Vehicle, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Advance Metallic Reinforcement of Vat Photo Polymerized Parts, Scott Zinn
Advertising Insert: Healthy Start: Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition, Inc. A Decade of Helping Women Have Healthier Babies, Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition, Inc.
Aerial View of Blount Island, Jacksonville Florida., Lawrence V. Smith
A Fluttering Summer, Nofa Dixon
African American Ministries Meeting, Tom Cain
Afternoon Tide, Mark Howard
After "The Scream" by Edvard Munch, Unknown
A Glimpse of the St. Johns River. Jacksonville, Florida
A History of The Duval County Hospital, R. H. McGinnis MD
A Hopeless Illness Representation Style: Examining Chronic Illness and Depression with Coping as A Mediator, Dana Arnold
A Kill in the Open, George Derville Rowlandson
Album I, R. Singleton
Alcohol Consumption and Anxiety Amongst College Students, Eardley Belime, Angela Wright, Nathan Jubran, and Abigail Lake
Allies and Adversaries: Understanding the Nature of Guale Political Organization Through the 1597 Uprising, Kathleen M. Kole
All That Crawls, Flies, Swims, Walks or Is Motionless, Emily Arthur Douglass
Alpha Chi Omega Cake Walk Table
Alpha Sigma Pi Accounting & Finance Club
Alquimia XXIX, Olga de Amaral
Alumni Night, Jacksonville Suns
Alumni Sponsored Commencement Reception
A Masked Han Solo, Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Ambivalent Man, Hiram Williams
Amelia Beach Fernandina, Florida
American Cancer Society 2018 Sponsor
American Cancer Society Award 2002-03
American Lung Display, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
A Methodist Church in Green Cove Springs, Fla
A Model for Tracing Functional Requirements In Small Projects Developed Using The Unified Process, Pamela Turner Brauda
Amphitheater/Greek Theatre Pit
Amusement Places, Florida Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Fla.
An Accurate and Efficient Methodology to Obtain Surges for Risk Analyses for the Coast of Bangladesh, A S M Alauddin Al Azad
Analysis of Changes in Genes that lead to Antibiotic Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae 43816, Jasmine R. Anderson
Analysis of WS-CDL Specifications Using Colored Petri Nets, Enrique Caliz
A Naturalistic Approach to Language and Cognition, Venture Lecture Series
Andrew A. Robinson Jr. Student Life Center
Andrew A. Robinson Jr. Theater
An Evening in Theatre of the Absurd, UNF Theatre Society
An Evening with Billy Taylor and His Trio, UNF Jazz Series
An Evening With Salome, UNF Council of the Arts
A New Test for correlation on Bivariate Non-Normal Distribution, Ping Wang
An Examination of Social Connectedness on PTSD and Freezing in a Student Military Population, Jessica Marie Ledwith
An Examination of the Impact of the COVID-19 Health Threat, Stress, and Social Isolation on Lifestyle Habits as Analyzed through the Protection Motivation Theory, Luciana Adib Soares
An exploration into the phylogenetics of thin, filamentous cyanobacteria: The use and utility of morphological, ecological and molecular data in cyanobacterial systematics., Ralph Benton Perkerson III
An Expressway in Jacksonville, Florida
An Investigation of the Moderating Effects of Household Composition and Developmental Age on Food Insecurity Impacting Mental Health, Monique Villamor and Monique V. Villamor
An investigation of the role of Basigin-variant-1 in the immune response within the retina, Abigail D. Tompa
An Invitation – Retirement Reception Honoring W. Charles Scott, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Announcement of Four Year Status
Announcement of Four Year Status
Announcement of Four Year Status
An Ostrich Family at the Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Florida
A Note from the General Editor, Karen S. Cousins
Anthropometrics to Identify Overweight Children at Most Risk for the Development of Cardiometabolic Disease, Corinne A. Labyak, David M. Janicke, Crystal S. Lim, James Colee, and A.E. Mathews
A Picture drawn by Brandon Mayfield, The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida
Appendix B: National Organizations Supporting the Equal Rights Amendment, Citizens' Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Drinks: Portrayal on Pinterest, Sydney Chamberlain, Jana Mitchell, Davis Major, Lena Elemam, and Cassandra Cleland
Appreciation Plaque for Millennium Campaign, The Florida Times-Union, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Appreciation Plaque: Midway Commemoration, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Approaching Storm, Bob Self
Aquatic Center 10th Year Birthday Celebration
Aquatic Center Grand Opening (1)
Aquatic Center Grand Opening (5)
Aquatic Center Grand Opening (7)
A Question of Style, University of North Florida
Aragon Hotel, European Plan, Jacksonville, Florida
Aragon Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
Aragon Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida. Home of the Traveler.
A Restful Spot, Halifax River, Florida
Are the Perpetrators of Aggression Also its Victims?, Katelyne Griffin, Deshawna Bryant, and Dawn Witherspoon
Arlington Community Garden: The Benefits of Community Gardens and Keeping Them Sustainable, Laurel Dalton
Art, Art History, and Design Annual Faculty Exhibition, University of North Florida Gallery and Department of Art, Art History, and Design
Art, Art History, and Design Annual Faculty Exhibition Installation, University of North Florida Gallery and Department of Art, Art History, and Design
Art, Art History, and Design Annual Faculty Exhibition Installation, University of North Florida Gallery and Department of Art, Art History, and Design
Art, Art History, and Design Annual Faculty Exhibition Installation, University of North Florida Gallery and Department of Art, Art History, and Design
Art, Art History, and Design Annual Faculty Exhibition Installation, University of North Florida Gallery and Department of Art, Art History, and Design
Art at the Met, "City of Jacksonville, Office of Special Events"
Article: The Duval County Hospital. Journal of the Florida Medical Association, 1945-09, Florida Medical Association
Art Students Meeting at Boathouse
A Souvenir Postcard of Jacksonville, Rindy Nyberg
A Special Invitation – JU [Jacksonville University] Alumni Event, Jacksonville University
Aspen Trees, Unknown
Assorted Drawings & Studies, Steve D. Lotz
Assumption of Mary, Unknown
A Street in Green Cove Springs, Fla
A Ten Foot Reach for an Orange at the Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Florida
A Ten Foot Reach for an Orange at the Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Florida
Atlantic Avenue and Government Building, Fernandina, Florida
A Typical Ostrich Farm, Florida
A view of Downtown Jacksonville, Florida, John V. Pontiere Jr.
A View of Jacksonville, Florida's Expressway System
Baby Ostriches Just Hatched, Florida Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Florida
Back of seated nude, Unknown
Bananas. Jacksonville, Florida
Band Stand and Confederate Monument, Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Fla
Baptism Chorus, Drama Course Readers Workshop
Baptism, Drama Course Readers Workshop
Baptist Memorial Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida
Barn at Seven Oaks, Martin Tobias
Barrier Islands, Felicia West Ed.D. and David Wallace
Baseball Camp, Tom Cain
Basket with Orange, Marion
Battle of Midway 65th Anniversary Bell 2007
BCBS Company Video- Annual Company United Way Campaign- “Champions for United Way,”, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
BCBS Company Video- Annual Company United Way Campaign- “Choose to Build Our Community,”, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
BCBS Company Video- Annual Company United Way Campaign- “It All Begins with Me,”, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
BCBS Company Video- Annual Company United Way Campaign- “The Answer is You,”, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
BCBSF Bulletin Boards, “Medical Insurance Blue-Cross Drops Local Doctor, Parents Upset…”, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
BCBS FL Police vs Firefighters Charity Boxing Belt, 2005
BCBSF Management System, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
BCBSF: Mike Cascone Jr. – Speech at Annual Sales Marketing Meeting, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Beaches Go Green Helps Jax Stay Clean, Emma Sheridan
Beautiful Banana Tree, bearing Fruit, Florida
Beautiful St. Vincent's Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida
Beekeeping Workshop, University of North Florida Marketing and Publications
Beginning assembly of steel support beams on Blue Cross Blue Shield Jacksonville Riverside Office Building. From Mel Snead's Collection of 9 large format photographs of BCBS's Riverside Complex Addition., Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Beige & Gray abstract, Unknown
Belize Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Benthic Microalgae Response to A Warming Climate and Shift in Foundational Vegetation Species in A Saltmarsh-Mangrove Ecotone, Gabriela Canas
Berth, Ian Skinner
Beyond the Trail: Exploring our Timucuan Parks and Preserves, Sophia Bertolino
Bibliography, Women's Rape Crisis Center
Bill Flaherty with Unknown Individual, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Bird's-eye View of Farm, C. S. Castle
Bird's Eye View of Hemming Park and Windsor Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
Blue Cross 25th Birthday Party Invitation, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Annual Report, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Organizational Chart, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield 10-Story Office Building, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Lobby, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Management Recognition Dinner Invitation, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Nexis Training Sessions-1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Nexis Training Sessions-2, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Nexis Training Sessions-3, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Nexis Training Sessions-4, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Options Information, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Boathouse Grille Demolition-5, Lynn Brown
Boathouse Grille Demolition-6, Lynn Brown
Boathouse Grille Demolition-7, Lynn Brown
Boathouse Grille, Interior, Andrew Farkas
Boating on the Lake, P. Goyke
Booklet: 1987-1988 Know Your Legislators Directory of Florida Elected Officials, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Booklet: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Management System Presentations Printout, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Booklet: BlueCross BlueShield Association The Uninsured in America, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Booklet: BlueCross BlueShield of Florida: Florida at Work, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Booklet: Building a Healthy Parramore: A Call to Action to Reduce Childhood Obesity, Health Council of East Central Florida
Booklet: Duval Medical Center Floor Plans, 1969, Duval Medical Center
Booklet: History of Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Booklet: Jefferson Awards Building a Culture of Service: Engage Train Measure Impact, The Jefferson Awards
Booklet: Jefferson Awards for Public Service: Impacting Lives Through Service, Jefferson Awards for Public Service
Booklet: Memoirs of G. Hunter Gibbons Lt. Col. USAF, [member of the Board for Blue Cross and Blue Shield and later became the Chairman of the Board for BCBSF], G. Hunter Gibbons.
Booklet: Now We Know: All About Our Heath 2010-2011, Parent Power Family Literacy Academy
Book Review: The Psychology of Human Sexuality, 2nd ed., Justin J. Lehmiller, Angel Renee Kalafatis-Russell
Book Review: What Every Mental Health Professional Needs to Know About Sex, 2nd ed., by Stephanie Buehler, Laura R. Haddock
Borrowed Shirt, Jonathan M. Lux
Bound Guide: Behind the Blues: An Introduction to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida & Operations Participant Guide, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Bound Report: The Early Story of Blue Cross—Blue Shield, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Box IX F, Jeffrey Michael Kronsnoble
Breaking Cover, C.R. Stock
Brewster Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida
Bridges, Girl Scouts of Gateway Council
Bringing Awareness to Plant Conservation at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, Anastasia Utley
British School Italian Landscape, Kentworth
Brochure: Better You from Blue: Healthy Choices on the Go Restaurant Guide, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Brochure: Duval Medical Center's $27 Million Rebirth, 1970, Duval Medical Center
Brochure: Embrace a Healthy Florida: Addressing Childhood Obesity, The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida
Brochure: Embrace healthy eating. Embrace active living. Embrace a Healthy Florida, The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida
Brochure: Fast Guides Women’s Health, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Brochure: Health Education Resource Guide, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Brochure: International Women's Year, Florida Community College at Jacksonville
Brochure: The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida: Embrace a Healthy Florida 2008-2010, The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida
Brochure: The State of Health Care, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Bruce Ogier, University of North Florida Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
Bruce Ogier Speaking, University of North Florida Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
Bubba's Other Brother, Robin Shepherd
Building 46, Stadium, University of North Florida
Building Construction, Mary Kahler
Business Insurance, “TPA’s fee tied to health care costs”, Michael Schachner
Bycatch Reduction Devices as a Method to Reduce Mortality Rates of Malaclemys terrapin in Crab Pots, Benjamin Lowstuter, Leslie Delong, and Corey Hymel
By-Laws: Options, Inc., Options, Inc.
C380 Historical Miami, Gleason Waite Romer
Calvary Scene, Henry Louis Dupray
Campus COVID-19 Response Sign: Mask Up Ospreys!, Ryan I. Fairbrother
Campus Hike-In, Rissi Cherie
Canna Lily, Linda Broadfoot
Carcieri, Piranesi
Card: Call for Nominations: Florida Blue Volunteers of the Year Award, Florida Blue
Career Connections, Tom Cain
Career Connections, Tom Cain
Career Expo, Tom Cain
Career Expo, Tom Cain
Career Expo, Tom Cain
CARES Act Student Emergency Aid Funding FAQs, UNF One-Stop Student Services
Casino at Amelia Beach, Fernandina, Fla
Cassiel, M. Henderson
Catalog 2020-2021, University of North Florida
Catalog Access to Library Collections, Linda Lockwwod Smith
Catalog: Pamphlets For Holiday Reading and Giving, Know, Inc.
CBS-TV 60 Minutes segment by Lesley Stahl, CBS News
Celebrate Jazz from around the world as a patron of the 12th Annual Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Celebration to Honor William F. Snyder Invitation with Envelope, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Cellular One and AT&T Long Distance Network Present The 10th Annual Great American Jazz Piano Competition, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Cellular One/AT&T Presents: The Jacksonville Jazz Festival's 8th Annual Great American Jazz Piano Competition, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Center for Nutrition and Food Security: Hunger Map, Adremae Alotaya
Center Street. Fernandina, Florida.
Centitile #369, K. Carracio
Ceremony in Recognition of Honorary Founders
Ceromonial Robe, Ray Azcuy
Certificate: Certificate of Appointment to DCHA membership, 1964 (G. Dekle Taylor), 1964, Executive Department: State of Florida
Characterization of a scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) nursery habitat in portions of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Bryanna N. Wargat
Characterization of Metabolic Gene Expression in the RAW 264.7 Monocyte Cell Line, Lauren Macaisa
Characterization of the expression of Basigin and Monocarboxylate Transporters 1 and 4 in aged mouse brains in response to acute and chronic inflammation, Falont Laveus, Alicia Gonzalez, and Judith Ochrietor
Charter Class Commencement Ceremony
Children Parc Monceau, Harold Altman
Chinese figures/landscape, Unknown
Chinese figures/landscape, Unknown
Chinese figures/landscape, Unknown
Chinese figures/landscape, Unknown
Christianity’s Impact on Deaf Culture in Latin America, Alexzandra Newman
CIRT Lab Sound Booth Assembly Timelapse June 2018, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Lab Timelapse Fall 2015, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Lab Timelapse Fall 2017, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Lab Timelapse Spring 2016, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Lab Timelapse Spring 2017, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Lab Timelapse Summer 2018, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - January 2017, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - January 2018, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - January 2019, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--January 2011, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--January 2012, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--January 2013, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--January 2014, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--March 2011, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--March 2012, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--March 2013, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--March 2014, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--November 2010, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--November 2011, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--November 2012, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--November 2013, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2007, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2008, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2009, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2010, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2011, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2012, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2013, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2014, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2015, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast January 2016, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2007, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2008, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2009, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2010, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2011, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2012, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2013, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2014, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2015, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast March 2016, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2007, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2008, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2009, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2010, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2011, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2012, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2013, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2014, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast November 2015, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2007, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2008, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2009, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2010, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2011, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2012, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2013, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2014, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter Podcast September 2015, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--September 2010, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--September 2011, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--September 2012, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT Newsletter--September 2013, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - March 2017, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - March 2018, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - March 2019, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT NEWS - November 2017, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - November 2018, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - September 2017, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
CIRT News - September 2018, Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
City of Hialeah Certificate of Appreciation to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Foundation, City of Hialeah
City View A, Carl Manlin
Classical Landscape study, After JMW Turner
Class Outdoors, Boathouse Deck
Class Outdoors, Boathouse Deck (2)
Club Alliance Fall Bash, CLUBFEST
Clubfest on the University Green, Tracy L. Jones
Clubs on the Green, Oktoberfest
Cognitivism, Feelings, and the Background Structures of Emotion, David R. Willard
Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Florida
College of Business Administration
College of Business Administration
College of Business Administration Awards Banquet
College of Business Administration Awards Banquet
College of Business Administration Awards Banquet
College of Business Administration Awards Banquet
College of Business Administration Faculty
College of Business Administration Faculty
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Grand Opening
College of Business Administration Homecoming Reception
College of Business Executive-of-the-Day
College of Business Executive-of-the-Day
College of Business Executive-of-the-Day
College of Business Executive-of-the-Day
College of Education and Human Service, Linda Lockwood Smith
College of Education and Human Services, Linda Lockwood Smith
College of Education and Human Services
College of Education and Human Services
College of Education and Human Services
College of Education and Human Services Annual Report and Publicity Sheets, University of North Florida
College of Education and Human Services Doctoral Class
College of Education and Human Services Doctoral Class
College of Education and Human Services Re-Accreditation Celebration
Collegiate Cultural Capital and Integration into the College Community, John W. White, Steven Aragon, and Amanda Pascale
Commedia Dell' Arte, Venture Theatre
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Commencement Ceremony Downtown
Communications and Visual Arts
Community Cleanups and Plastic Reduction, Waheed Khalili
Community Cleanups and Plastic Reduction, Elena Pellumbi
Compliments of Hotel Aragon, Jacksonville, Florida
Compote, 1/6, Ann Williams
Confederate Memorial, Jacksonville, Florida
Conference Fact Sheet: Duval County Medical Center Operations, 1964, Duval County Medical Center
Connection n., Mary Ratcliff
Connect v., Mary Ratcliff
Consciousness-Raising, Sappho Collective
Conserved and divergent aspects of leg development in Tardigrada, Mandy Game and Frank W. Smith
Construction of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Riverside Complex Addition, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and BlueShield of Florida, Inc.
Construction of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Riverside Complex Addition, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Construction of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Riverside Complex Addition, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Construction of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Riverside Complex Addition, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Construction of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Riverside Complex Addition, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Construction of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Riverside Complex Addition, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Consumer Experience of Animal Crossing: New Horizons Players During Covid-19 Lockdowns, Raquel Holliday, David Rogers, and Natalie A. Mitchell
Container Corp--Fernandina Beach, Florida
Container Corp--Fernandina Beach, Florida
Container Corporation of America, Fernandina, Florida
Continental Cablevision and The Arts & Entertainment Network Present The 11th Annual Great American Jazz Piano Competition, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Continental Hotel, Atlantic Beach, Florida
Contract Ratification Between Florida Medical Service Corporation [Blue Shield] and Florida Hospital Service Corporation [Blue Cross], Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Convocation Remarks, Adam W. Herbert
Cookbooks: Preserving Jewish Tradition, Daniel Feinberg and Alice Crosetto
Coral Gables Historical Bldg, Unknown
Coronavirus Updates, UNF Emergency Management
Corporate Library 01, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 02, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 04, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 05, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 06, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 09, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 13, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 16, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 17, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 18, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 19, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 20, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 21, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 26, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 27, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Library 29, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Correlations of Static, Dynamic, and Physical Properties to the Weathering State of Ocala Limestone, Ariel Issac Sarno
Correspondence: Carbon copy of letter From G. Dekle Taylor to Faris S. Monsour, Jr. with handwritten notes, 1969-02-13, 1969-02-13, G. Dekle Taylor
Correspondence: Duval County Hospital Authority form letter from Michael J. Wood to Anthony J.J. Rourke, 1969-12-29, Michael J. Wood
Correspondence: Duval County Hospital Authority form letter from Michael J. Wood to Anthony J.J. Rourke with hand written notes, 1969-12-29, Michael J. Wood
Correspondence: Duval County Hospital Authority form letter from Michael J. Wood to Edgar B. Haire, 1969-12-29, Michael J. Wood
Correspondence: Form Letter from Paul A. Broome to Everett W. Jones, Thomas B. Turner, Anthony J.J. Rourke, Edgar B. Haire, 1969-05-07, Paul A. Broome
Correspondence: From Emanuel Suter to G. Dekle Taylor on J. Hillis Miller Health Center College of Medicine, 1965-10-02, Emanuel Suter MD
Correspondence: From from Michael J. Wood to Mr. Sigfrid Pearson 1969-03-26, Michael J. Wood
Correspondence: From G. Dekle Taylor o Robert A. Cunningham, 1968-04-17, G. Dekle Taylor MD
Correspondence: From G. Dekle Taylor to Clarence King, 1968-04-02, G. Dekle Taylor MD
Correspondence: From G. Dekle Taylor to Faris S. Monsour, Jr. with handwritten notes, 1969-02-13, G. Dekle Taylor MD
Correspondence: From George B. Pearson to Lawrence Payne on Medical Center Hospital letterhead, 1968-02-12, George B. Pearson
Correspondence: from George D. Wood to G. Dekle Taylor, 1969-03-13, George D. Wood
Correspondence: From I.M. Sulzbacher to G. Dekle Taylor, 1968-11-06, I. M. Sulzbacher
Correspondence: From James W. Walker to Jacob F. Bryan on Children's Medical Group Letterhead, 1968-12-21, James W. Walker MD
Correspondence: From John E. Mathews, Jr to Hugh A. Carithers on The Florida Senate letterhead, 1968-04-06, John E. Mathews Jr.
Correspondence: From Joseph J. Lowenthal to Lynwood Roberts, 1972-02-09, Joseph J. Lowenthal MD
Correspondence: From Max Michael, Jr. to G. Dekle Taylor on Jacksonville Hospitals Educational Program, Inc. Letterhead, 1968-11-20, Max Michael Jr., MD
Correspondence: From Medical Staff in Support of Duval County Hospital Authority to Judge Tyrie A. Boyer, 1973-08-06, Duval County Hospital Authority
Correspondence: From Robert A. Cunningham to G. Dekle Taylor on St. Luke's Hospital Association, 1968-04-23, Robert A. Cummingham
Correspondence: Letter from William E. Flaherty to Ms. Elaine Gordon, Chairperson on Subcommittee II of the Florida House of Representatives’ Committee on Regulatory Reform, William H. Flaherty
Cosaque, Paul Dmitrievitch Schipow
Cost Analysis of Osprey C.R.E.W., J. Whipple, B. Labban, A. Kapperman, B. Rodriguez, C. Harrison, P. Tubuntoeng, L. F. de Valderrama, A. Daniels, C. Akan, and N. Ozdemir
Counselors-in-Training Reactions to Clients Living with and Without HIV, Melissa Zeligman and J. Richelle Joe
Countryside, Martin Tobias
Course Registration, Bill Medlin
Course Registration, Bill Medlin
Courtyard Construction, University of North Florida
Courtyard with figures, Thomas Wilkinson
COVID-19 Campus Safety Sign, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
COVID-19 Event Information, UNF Fine Arts Center
Covid-19 Information Libguide, Thomas Carpenter Library
COVID-19 Response Sign on Elevator, Ryan I. Fairbrother
COVID-19 Self-Screening Guidance, UNF Human Resources
COVID protocols Sign in front of corridor, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
COVID Safety Protocols Sign, UNF Marketing and Publications
COVID Safety Protocols Sign, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
COVID Safety Protocols Sign, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
COVID Safety Protocols Sign inside a building, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
COVID Safety Protocols Sign next to an elevator, UNF Marketing and Publications
COVID Safety Protocols Sign on a door, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
COVID Safety Protocols Sign on a door, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
COVID Safety Protocols Sign on a door, UNF Marketing and Publications
COVID Safety Protocols Sign on a door, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
COVID Safety Protocols Sign Outside the UNF Field House, UNF Marketing and Publications and Jennifer Grissom
CR-20F-3518: Constitution Revision Committee Amendments to Article II, Student Government Association University of North Florida
CR-20F-3519: Constitution Revision Committee Amendments to Article III, Student Government Association University of North Florida
CR-20F-3520: Constitution Revision Committee Amendments to Article V, Student Government Association University of North Florida
CR-20F-3521: Constitution Revision Committee Amendments to Article VI, Student Government Association University of North Florida
CR-20F-3522: Constitution Revision Committee Amendments to Article VII, Student Government Association University of North Florida
Crafting an Image: Love, Confidence, and Representation in Leonard Fink’s Photographs of the Gay Liberation Movement, Alex Del Dago
Crosby Sanctuary Tree Survey, Lexi Lindsley
Crossing the Mour Stream, George Campian
Crystalline, Ruth Leaf
CSX Transportation Presents the Opening Night of the 1992 Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Teacher Candidates Identify What’s Important, Jeania Jones, Lindsay Gallon, and Kim Cheek
Curbside Billy, Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Curbside Billy, Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Curve Reconstruction from the Apparent Contour Graph, NKosi Alexander-Williams
Cut a Rug (Recording), Gary Smart
Cut a Rug (Score), Gary Smart
Cypress marsh, Don Urban
Daily Sunning, Bob Timberlake
Dark Creek, Mark Howard
Dark Gift, Mark Howard
Dark Matter Detection Materials, James E. Harrison IV
Datura Moon, Sarah Crooks Flaire
Dave Brubeck, University of North Florida Great American Jazz Series
Deconstructing Sexual Shame: Implications for Clinical Counselors and Counselor Educators, Stacey Diane A. Litam and Megan Speciale
Demolition of The Boathouse Grille-1, Lynn Brown
Demolition of The Boathouse Grille-2, Lynn Brown
Demolition of The Boathouse Grille-3, Lynn Brown
Demolition of The Boathouse Grille-4, Lynn Brown
Dental Disparities: A Quantitative & Regional Analysis of Male Oral Health in the United States, Hannah Merritt and Gordon Rakita
Department of Financial & Business Service Announcement, University of North Florida
Department of Psychology, University of North Florida
Depressive Rumination and the Mood-as-Input Hypothesis: The Role of Reverse Catastrophizing, Enrique Cibrian
De Soto Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
"De Soto Sanatorium" A Private Hospital
De Soto Sanitarium, Jacksonville, Florida
Developing and Simulating a Communication Plan for Mitigation of Secondary Crashes: Leveraging Connected Vehicle Technologies, Denis Elia Monyo
Different Assessments of Reactions to Child Sexual Abuse, Dawson Jubin, LouAnne Hawkins, and Mary Geary
Dinner Hour at the Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Fla.
Disentangling the Role of Self-Esteem on Eating Disorders in African American Youth, Carly Alexandria Wagner
Display of article titled "Power shift for the Blues"
Divergent Thinking Among Deaf and Hearing Adolescents, Christopher Michael Stanzione
Diversity in Higher Education Administration: The Need for Student Perspectives, Drew Albritton and Aaron Leedy
Division of Continuing Education and Extension Catalog of Courses, University of North Florida
Division of Continuing Education Staff
Dix Fish River Trap, Paul Sawyer
Document: University Hospital of Jacksonville Proposed Amendment Medical and Dental Staff Rules and Regulations, undated, University Hospital of Jacksonville
Dons at Cambridge/Oxford, Henrie Pitcher
Do Physician-based or Hospital-based Provider Service Networks Better Control Medicaid Expenditures?, Sinyoung Park, Jeffrey S. Harman, Allison G. Hall, and R Paul Duncan
Dottie Dorian Fitness Center, Tom Cain
Dottie Dorion Fitness Center Dedication, Tom Cain
Downtown Hemming Park in Jacksonville, Florida
Do you copy? Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Auditory Processing, and Heart Rate Variability, Lyndsey Johnson
"Do Your Part, Stay Apart" Floor Sticker, University of North Florida
Draft Presentation: Report of G. Dekle Taylor Retiring President of Duval Medical Center Staff co. 2, 1970-01-20, G. Dekle Taylor
Draw of the Cards (Edifice Series), Larry Wilson
Dr. Bill Slaughter, University of North Florida
Dreaming Girl, Irving Amen
Dr. Herbert Presidential Inauguration
Driving "Oliver W. Jr." Before Sulky at Florida Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Fla
Dr. Ray Bowman, Robert W. Loftin
Dr. Robert Loftin, University of North Florida
Dr. Vaghefi's Retirement Party
Dr. Vaghefi's Retirement Party
Dustin Harewood Pt. 1, Dustin Harewood and Justin D. Weakland
Dustin Harewood Pt. 2, Dustin Harewood and Justin D. Weakland
Duval County Food Pantry Inventory and Center of Nutrition and Food Security Hunger Study Research, Lena Elemam
Duval County Hospital, John E. Boyd MD
Duval County Legislative Delegation List, Alliance for Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
Duval Hotel in Jacksonville, Fla.
Duval Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
Duval Medical Center: Summary of Data Processing Requirements as of 1972, Duval Medical Center
Earth, Garfield
Earth Music Fest, Tom Cain
Earth Music Fest, Tom Cain
Earth Music Fest, Tom Cain
Earth Music Fest, Tom Cain
Earth Music Fest Race Participants
Echoes, Ken Kerslake
ECLP Invasive Plant Project: Spot the Invaders, Aida Washburn
Editing the Eartha M. M. White Collection: Collaborative Projects While Staying at Home, Carol Lynne Hemmingway
Editorial Work and Contextual Research on Materials Related to North Florida History in UNF Special Collections, Marisa Pechillo
Educating the Youth on Building a Sustinable and Eco-friendly Planet, Anjelica DaSilva
E. Euro royal portrait old, Buhlur
E. Euro royal portrait young, Buhlur
Effect of Imagined Support on Perceptions of Stress, Emma Thompson, Jordan Zaenglein, Kalie Leon, Madelyn Shaw, Maddox Fillmer, Breana Bryant, and Paul Fuglestad
Effect of the ERA on Florida Laws, ERA-74 Staff
Effects of Corrosion on the SERS Activity and Optical Response of Silver Nanorods, Christopher J. Mealer
Effects of Habitat Complexity, Size Disparity, Prey Type and Abundance on Intraguild Predation Between Larval Odonates, Kelly Elizabeth Flynn
Effects of Humanization and Party Identification on Political Attitudes towards the Major U.S. Political Parties, Sawyer Johns, Xylie Miller, and Sadana Mukundan
Effects of Involvement (Target Versus Observer), Gender, Protectiveness, and Priming on Perceptions of Sexual Harassment, Kendall P. Dary
Effects of Self-Monitoring on Maintenance of Close and Casual Friendships, Meredith Marie Wikstrom
Effects on Fatigue of Applying Titanium Nitride Coating to 17-4 PH Stainless Steel, Jade Welsh, Scott Zinn, Steve Stagon, and Jutima Simsiriwong
Elections '96 Panel Discussion, Tom Cain
Elections '96 Panel Discussion, Tom Cain
Elections '96 Panel Discussion, Tom Cain
Electra, 1981, Mernet Larsen
Eliminating Hunger in North East Florida, Kristin Gonzalez
E.L. Konigsburg and Dr. Hopkins, Bob Knight Photography
Ellen Goodman, Tom Cain
Ellen Goodman and Shirley Webb, Tom Cain
Embassy Lecture Series, Donald Bell Sole, P. Goyke
Embassy Lecture Series, Nani A. Palkhivala
Embodied Injustices: COVID-19, Race, and Epigenetics, Maria Encinosa
Embodied Injustices: COVID-19, Race, and Epigenetics, Maria Encinosa
Emergency Relief for UNF Students, University of North Florida
Emma Fay, David Porter
Emotional Representations and Self-Regulation in Functional Somatic Illnesses, Samantha Marie Poling
Employee Appreciation Ceremony
Employee Appreciation Ceremony
Employee Appreciation Reception
Employee Appreciation Reception
Employee Appreciation Reception
Employee Appreciation Reception
Employee Appreciation Reception
Employee Portrait, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employee Recognition Program, University of North Florida
Employees at Deerwood Campus Event-1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees at Deerwood Campus Event-2, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees at the Riverside Office-1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees at the Riverside Office-2, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Ceremony
Employee Service Awards Luncheon
Employee Service Awards Luncheon
Employee Service Awards Luncheon
Employees in Meeting-1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees in Meeting-2, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees in Meeting-3, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees in Meeting-4, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees in Meeting-5, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees in Meeting-6, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees in Meeting-7, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees in Meeting-8, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Looking at Building Plans, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Recognition Ceremony
Employees Recognition Ceremony
Employees Recognition Ceremony Program, University of North Florida
Employees Recognition Ceremony Program, University of North Florida
Employees Recognition Ceremony Program, University of North Florida
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-10, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-11, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-12, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-13, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-14, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-15, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-16, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-17, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-18, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-19, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-2, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-3, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-4, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-5, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-6, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-7, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-8, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employees Working at the Deerwood Campus Complex-9, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Employment and Recidivism: An Analysis of a Faith-based Reentry Program, Emily Friedman, Caitlin J. Steckley, and Rachel Simmons
Employment Assistance and Offender Desistance: An Evaluation of Recidivism in a Faith-based Re-entry Program, Caitlin J. Steckley, Emily Friedman, and Rachel Simmons
Empty Library, Thomas G. Carpenter Library
English Landscape with figure, Unknown
English Manner house, Unknown
Enter a Free Man, Venture Theatre
Entering Florida at St. Mary's River, Florida--Georgia State Line
Enter Laughing, Venture Theatre
Enterprise Service Bus: Performance Evaluation, Amit K. Patel
Entrance to the Frederick C. and Ophelia Tate Ogier Gardens, Univeristy of North Florida Marketing and Publications
Entrance to the Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Florida
Establishing an Omeka Digital Exhibits Presence: Collaboration and Customization, Courtenay McLeland, Adam Chalmers, and Jennifer Bibb
Estimating a range of flow rates resulting from extreme storm events within the Wekiva River watershed through statistical testing and modeling, Wesley K. Koning
European church/village, Unknown
European coast with Citadel, E.D. Percival
European Landscape, Richard Wilson
European Landscape, WS Earle
Evaluating Individualism as a Predictor of Workplace E-Learning Training Transfer, Allison Kendall Archer
Evans Lumber Docks at Fernandina, Florida
Event Agenda: Florida Chamber Foundation Floridians: 2030 Six Pillars Summit [moderated by Susan Towler], Florida Chamber Foundation
Event Invitation: American Cancer Society CEOs Against Cancer Florida Chapter 2015 Meeting, American Cancer Society
Event Notification/Registration Application: Community Forum Series, River Garden: Excellence in Adult Care and Services
Event Program: 17th Annual Women of Distinction, Girl Scouts of Gateway Council
Event Program: 18th Annual Women of Distinction, Girl Scouts of Gateway Council
Event Program: 2013 Eve Awards Luncheon, Florida Times Union
Event Program: 2019 Humanitarian Awards Dinner, One Jax: Different Together
Event Program: 33rd Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast, Florida Blue
Event Program: American Cancer Society CEOs Against Cancer Florida Chapter 2015 Meeting, American Cancer Society
Event Program: BCBSF Foundation: “Embrace a Healthy Florida Reception and Program”, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Foundation
Event Program: Center for Global Health and Medical Diplomacy: Caring Community Conference, Center for Global Health and Medical Diplomacy
Event Program: Decision 2012 U.S. Senate Debate
Event Program: First Coast Go Red for Women Luncheon, American Heart Association
Event Program: How To Stay Well: A Festival For Senior Adults, Health Care Cost Containment Committee
Event Program: Junior Achievement Hall of Fame, with attachment: Program addendum insert, Wells Fargo
Event Program: ReadingPals Green Eggs and Ham Celebration Breakfast, United Way of Northeast Florida
Event Program: United Way 2012 Community Campaign Kickoff & Reading-Palooza!, United Way of Northeast Florida
Event Program: United Way’s Campaign & Leadership Recognition Event, United Way of Northeast Florida
Event Program: Welcome to the First Coast Leadership Breakfast, American Heart Association
Event Program: Women’s Leadership Forum Jacksonville, Women's Leadership Forum
Everett Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
Examination of Athletic Academic Support Services of NCAA D-I HBCUs, Clifford Eugene Harrell II
Examining the Impacts of Virtual Mentoring On College Students' Leadership Efficacy a Quantitative Study of C.A.M.P Osprey, Justin Michael Lerman
Examining Trauma, Aggression, and Anxiety in African American Girls, Katelyne Griffin-Todd
Executive Functioning in Violent and Nonviolent Juvenile Delinquents, Hugo B. Morais
Exploring the effects of various growth conditions on gene expression of mechanosensitive ion channels in Escherichia coli, Sarah C. Johnson and Hannah R. Malcolm
Extinction is Forever, Robert Loftin Ph.D and David Wallace
Factors Associated with Overall Experience in Advanced-Practice Doctoral Programs, Kristi Chipman
Fact Sheet: Biography of William E. Flaherty, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Fact Sheet: Rape in Jacksonville, Women's Rape Crisis Center
Fairchild, V. Simms
Fall 2008 Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall 2020 Full Issue, Journal of Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness: Research Education, and Practice JCSSW
Fall 2020 Table of Contents, Journal of Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness: Research Education, and Practice JCSSW
Fall 2021 Week of Welcome - President and First Lady Szymanski, Ryan Fairbrother and Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Fall 2021 Week of Welcome Table, Ryan Fairbrother and Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Fall Commencement, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement, Tom Cain
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremonies, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Ceremony, University of North Florida
Fall Commencement Exercises, University of North Florida
FCN Florida Center for Nursing 2014 Annual Report: Addressing Nurse Workforce Issues for the Health of Florida, Florida Center for Nursing
FCN Florida Center for Nursing 2015 Annual Report, Florida Center for Nursing
Fear To Familiarity: Life in Maryland's Northern Borderlands, 1652-1699, James Edward Boehm
Federal Designation of UNF Nature Trail Materials, University of North Florida
Feeding the Duck, P. Goyke
Fernandina Terminal Co. Phosphate Elevator. Fernandina, Florida
Fernandina Terminal Co. Phosphate Elevator. Fernandina, Florida
FGGY Carbohydrate Kinase Domain Containing is Induced During Skeletal Muscle Atrophy and Modulates Map Kinase and AKT Signaling, Anastasia L. Smith
Figures crossing stone bridge, Frederick R. Lee
Finance Organization's Values & Principles, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Finding their Fit: An Exploratory Study of Interpreters’ Perceptions of their Membership in the Deaf Community, Cami J. Miner
Fine Sport, Boating and Fishing. Florida
First Coast Urban Academy Alliance Academy
First Coast Urban Academy Alliance Academy
First Coast Urban Academy Alliance Academy
First Coast Urban Academy Alliance Academy
First Course Schedule and Administration
First Dean of College of Education
First Place Ribbon for Egg Toss
First President of the Alumni Association
First Registration for Classes
First VLC Class 01, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 02, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 03, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 04, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 05, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 06, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 07, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 08, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 09, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 10, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 11, Jelena Brezjanović
First VLC Class 12, Jelena Brezjanović
Fitness Center Dedication, Tom Cain
Flame Vine in Full Bloom, Florida
Flier: The City of Jacksonville presents Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Floral I, John S. Bunker
Floral II, John S. Bunker
Florida 1513-1845 Greetings from Jacksonville
Florida Beauties, R. D. Pope
Florida Blue 13th Annual Florida Black Expo, Florida Blue
Florida Blue Foundation 2018-2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Florida Blue Foundation
Florida Blue T-Shirt: In the Pursuit of Health
Florida Orange Grove Jacksonville, Florida
Florida's Water Resources, Armalee Feegan B.A. and David Wallace
Florida Trends, “New Strength In The Shield.”, Rosalind Resnick
Flower Form, John S. Bunker
Flyer: 51st Anniversary of Women's Suffrage, NOW Jacksonville
Flyer: “A Report to the Northwest Florida Community”, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Flyer: Florida Department of Health: Read for Health Informational Letters/Flyers, Florida Department of Health
Flyer: Generation RN and BCBSF: A Corporate Program of Strategic Philanthropy, BlueCross and BlueShield of Florida, Inc.
Flyer: Meet Shirley Chisolm, National Organization for Women. Jacksonville Chapter
Flyer: Navy and Marine Corps – Classic, Florida Blue
Flyer: Opa-Locka Building A Healthy Community Childhood Obesity Prevention Call to Action 2010 Summary, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Foundation
Flyer: Options Inc. Women's Center Come to the Grand Opening, Options, Inc.
Flyer: Options Women's Center, Options, Inc.
Flyer: Private Dollars and the Public Good
Flyer: Rally Jacksonville Leading with Reading: Call All Children Entering Kindergarten in 2006, Jacksonville Children's Commission
Forensically Relevant False Memories in the DRM Paradigm, Allison Gendreau, Yammil Ruiz Garcia, Michael Toglia, Nichole Juszczak, and Donald Lawler
For Girls Only, Virginia Stroud
Forsyth Street and Hotel Aragon, Jacksonville, Fla.
Fort Clinch State Park. Fernandina Beach, Fla.-1
Fort Clinch State Park. Fernandina Beach, Fla.-2
Fort Clinch State Park. Fernandina Beach, Fla.-3
Fort Clinch State Park. Fernandina Beach, Fla.-4
Fort Clinch State Park. Fernandina Beach, Fla.-5
Fostering Environmental Stewardship and Education at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, Cassandra Cleland
Fountain, Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Florida
Four Matisse Cutout Mosaic Columns, Course Group Project
Four Matisse Swimmer Series Cutout Mosaic Columns, Course Group Project
Framed Photograph: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Board of Directors, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Framed photograph: (From left) Walter McNerny, H. A. Schroder, and an unknown individual are shown with an IBM 2260 monitor, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Framed Photograph: J. W. Herbert Portrait, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Framed Resolution: Blue Cross of Florida board resolution honoring Edward Jelks, MD,, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc.
Framed Resolution: Blue Shield of Florida board resolution honoring Edward Jelks, MD,, Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Frederick H. Schultz Hall Dedication
Frederick H. Schultz Hall Dedication
Free COVID-19 Testing on Campus, UNF Emergency Management
Free Jazz, Florida has World Class Jazz Free!, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Free Street Theater Performance
Free Street Theater Performance
Friendship Fountain, Jacksonville, Florida-1
Friendship Fountain, Jacksonville, Florida-2
Friendship Fountain, Jacksonville, Florida-3
Friendship Fountain, Jacksonville, Florida-4
From Interpreting Student to Deaf Interpreter: A Case Study of Vocational Identity Development, Margie English, Brenda Nicodemus, Danielle I. J. Hunt, Stephan Kennedy, and McKenna McGough
From Monologue To Dialogue: A Teacher Training To Enhance Effective Student Engagement and Learning, Brian G. Dopson
FSU Flying High Circus, Tom Cain
Fuel for Motivation: The Impact of Empathy in an Educational Setting, Meghan Cosby, Jen Ross, Andrea Arikawa, and Kristen Hicks-Roof
Full Cry, C.R. Stock
Full Sail Ahead Bottle Invitation 1998
Fundraising Campaign Chairmen-1, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Fundraising Campaign Chairmen-2, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Gamma Rays from Massive Star Clusters G25 & G27, Abagael Barba and John W. Hewitt
Garduino: Using Image Processing to Measure Health in Plants, Maria Pugliese, Matthew Tapia, Adam Flowers, and Patrick Kreidl
GCS--Falls, Spring and Pool. Green Cove Springs, Fla
Gender Differences in Pro-Environmental Behavior Intentions, Katherine Pride, Sarah Cline, Cassandra Branham, Lauren Toledo, and Heather B. Truelove
Gendered Translations: Working from ASL into English, Campbell McDermid, Brianna Bricker, Andrea Shealy, and Abigail Copen
General Admission Two-Day Pass, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
General Assembly, Jacqueline Briggs
Gentleman with horse, Unknown
George Corrick, Lowell Wood and Doreen Daly
Geranium, Pete Petersen
Giardino del Cardinal Montalto, Gottfried de Scaichi
Girl of Albano, Charles Eastlake
God Tails, Steve D. Lotz
Golden Latitudes, John Kolb McIver
Goodwill Aid Drive with Dr. Carpenter
Governing Board, Alumni Association
Graduate. at Commencement Ceremony
Graduate Catalog 1997-1998, university of North Florida
Graduates affiliated with the MVRC with Navy Graduation Cords, Military and Veterans Resource Center
Graduates at Commencement Ceremony
Great Blue Heron, John Costin
Green Purchasing Guide in Health Care Offices and Clinics, Hannah Kim
Greetings from Jacksonville, Florida-1
Greetings from Jacksonville, Florida-2
Greetings from Jacksonville, Florida-3
Greetings from Jacksonville, Florida-5
Greetings from the Jacksonville's Beaches
Grinding Sugar Cane near Fernandina, Florida
Griner Hotel--Jacksonville, Florida
Groomsman with horse, dogs, Richard Whitford
Group of Ostriches. The Florida Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville.
Guidelines: Consciousness Raising for Women, National Organization for Women, Inc
Guidelines: Consciousness Raising Group Meetings, National Organization for Women. Jacksonville Chapter
Guidelines for Chapter Structural Plan, National Organization for Women, Inc
Guidelines: What We Do At Meetings, National Organization for Women. Jacksonville Chapter
Habitat Utilization and the Effect of Hypoxia Across Different Life History Stages of Silver Perch (Bairdiella Chrysoura) in the St. Johns River, Florida, Marc Harold Hanke
Handfan w/ transfer print, Unknown
Handout: Directions for Feminist Fury Flailers, National Organization for Women
Handout: Fem- i - nist, Jacksonville Women's Movement
Handout: Florida Blue Foundation “Embrace a Healthy Florida—Addressing Causes and Prevention of Childhood Obesity”, Florida Blue Foundation
Handout: NOW's Bill to Bell on Behalf of Bell's Own Women Employees, National Organization for Women. Jacksonville Chapter
Handout: Speakers Check List, National Organization for Women. Jacksonville Chapter
Handout: Vote "No" on the $30,000,000 Boondoggle, National Organization for Women. Jacksonville Chapter
Handout: What Every Young Woman Should Ask!, National Organization for Women. Jacksonville Chapter
Handout: You Too Can Help..., Women's Rape Crisis Center
Hardback Book: A Quarter Century of Progress: A History of Blue Cross in Florida 1944-1969, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc.
Hart Bridge Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Hart Bridge Aerials - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Hasta Siempre Comandante: Creating Immersive Cultural Learning through Revolutionary Music and Virtual Reality, Diego Salinas
Haubentaucher, Olszewski
Health and Fitness Tour, Tom Cain
Health and Fitness Tour, Tom Cain
Health and Fitness Tour, Tom Cain
Health and Fitness Tour, Tom Cain
Health and Fitness Tour, Tom Cain
Health and Fitness Tour, Tom Cain
Health and Fitness Tour, Tom Cain
Health Care Capacity Surge Strategies, Jennifer L. Wenhold
Health Fair, Alaina Reichert
Health Fair, Alaina Reichert
Health Fair, Tom Cain
Health Fair, Tom Cain
Healthy Kids, Inc. 2001 Annual Report with accompanying letter from Rose M. Naff to Susan Towler, Florida Healthy Kids Corporation
He and She, Mary Ann Bryan
Hello Ospreys! Welcome to Fall 2020, Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Hello Ospreys! Welcome to Spring 2021, Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Hemming Park and a Streetview in Jacksonville, Florida
Hemming Park and Skyline, Jacksonville, Florida
Hemming Park and Windsor Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
Hemming Park and Windsor Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida-1
Hemming Park and Windsor Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida-2
Hemming Park and Windsor Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida-3
Hemming Park by Moonlight, Jacksonville, Florida
Hemming Park in Downtown Jacksonville, Fla
Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Fla-1
Hemming Park. Jacksonville, Florida
Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Florida-2
Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Florida-3
Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Florida-4
Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Florida-5
Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Florida-6
Hemming Park, Jacksonville, Florida-7
Hemming Park--The Bandstand, Jacksonville, Florida
Heraclitian Apostrophe, William E. Parker
HHI Humanitarian Excellence Award 2010
Historical Lineage of Black Preservation, Kellea Roberson
Historic Old Fort Clinch Fernandina, Florida
HMS Bellerophon, Unknown
Homecoming, Tom Cain
Homecoming, Tom Cain
Homecoming Parade, Tom Cain
Homecoming Parade, Tom Cain
Home Delivery, Blair Muhlestein
HOPE2 Addresses Hispanic Health Inequity in Northeast, FL: A Call to Action to Local and State Officials. A Commentary., Catherine Saenz, Judith C. Rodriguez, Manisha Salinas, and Richard O. White III
Horizon II, Sira
Horror Classics, UNF Council of the Arts
Hotel Albert, Jacksonville, Fla.
Hotel Andrew Jackson--Corner Main and Adams Sts.--Jacksonville, Fla.
Hotel Burbridge, Jacksonville, Fla.
Hotel Carling, Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Duval and Post Office, Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Flagler, Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel George Washington, Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Jackson, Jacksonville, Fla
Hotel Jefferson, Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Mason--Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Robert Meyer--Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Roosevelt, Jacksonville, Florida--1
Hotel Roosevelt, Jacksonville, Florida--2
Hotel Roosevelt, Jacksonville, Florida--3
Hotel Roosevelt, Jacksonville, Florida--4
Hotel Roosevelt, Jacksonville, Florida--5
Hotel Seaside Inn--Fernandina Beach, Fla
Hotel Seminole in Jacksonville, Florida-3
Hotel Seminole, Jacksonville, Florida-1
Hotel Seminole, Jacksonville, Florida-2
Hotel Seneca, Duval & Ocean Sts, Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Seneca, Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Windle, Jacksonville, Florida--1
Hotel Windle, Jacksonville, Florida--2
Hotel Windle, Jacksonville, Florida--3
Hotel Windle, Jacksonville, Florida--4
Hotel Windsor and Hemming Park--Jacksonville, Florida
Hotel Windsor--Jacksonville, Florida
Housing and Residence Life Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates, UNF Housing and Residence Life
How can project-based mentorships enhance the dietetics profession?, V. Tarbell, K. Cottey, M. Sandoval Rodriguez, C. McCleskey, B. Krpec, K. Beathard, and K. Hicks-Roof
How to Improve Dynamic Decision Making: Evaluation of a Brief Training Program on Human Error, Yoannis Hermida
How to Make Memes and Influence Students, Maria Atilano
How U.S. Gender Policy for Post-Taliban Afghanistan Was Shaped, Fawzia Ahsan
Human Trafficking at the U.S.-Mexico Border, Reilly Boales, Clayton McCarl, and Sarah Mattice
Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Wave Energy Converter (WEC), A. Kapperman, B. Rodriguez, A. Daniels, C. Harrison, P. Tubuntoeng, L. Fernandez de Valderrama, B. Labban, J. Whipple, C. Akan, and N. Ozdemir
I Bloomed in the Dark, Izzy (Kiara) Narvais
I Got My Vax UNF Pinback Button, University of North Florida
Illustration, Joan Miro
Image 10 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 10 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 11 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 11 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 12 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 12 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 13 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 13 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 14 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 14 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 15 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 15 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 16 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 16 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 17 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 18 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 19 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 1: Collection of 7 images of aerial shots of BCBS’s Riverside office complex and the surrounding neighborhood, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 1: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 1 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 1 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 20 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 21 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 22 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 2: Collection of 7 images of aerial shots of BCBS’s Riverside office complex and the surrounding neighborhood, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 2: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 2 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 2 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 3: Collection of 7 images of aerial shots of BCBS’s Riverside office complex and the surrounding neighborhood, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 3: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 3 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 3 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 4: Collection of 7 images of aerial shots of BCBS’s Riverside office complex and the surrounding neighborhood, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 4: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 4 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 4 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 5: Collection of 7 images of aerial shots of BCBS’s Riverside office complex and the surrounding neighborhood, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 5: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 5 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 6: Collection of 7 images of aerial shots of BCBS’s Riverside office complex and the surrounding neighborhood, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 6: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 6 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 6 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 7: Collection of 7 images of aerial shots of BCBS’s Riverside office complex and the surrounding neighborhood, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 7: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 7 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 7 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 8: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 8 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 8 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 9: Collection of 9 images showing the progression of construction work on the 10-story, Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.
Image 9 from Exceptional Creativity Exhibit, University of North Florida. Lufrano Intercultural Gallery and University of North Florida. Galleries
Image 9 from Kaleidoscope Projections: Women Artists from the UNF Collection UNF Gallery of Art, University of North Florida. Galleries
Image of St. Theresa, After Sassoferato
Immersion, Mary Ratcliff
Impact of Study Abroad to Nazi Concentration Camps: Perceptions of Interpreting Students on Identity-Building, Sherry Shaw, E. Lynn Jacobowitz, and Kaitlynn Himmelreich
Implementing welfare science: case studies in evidence-based zoo management, Marisa Suzanne Spain
Implications for Supervisors and Counselor Educators in Human Sexuality, Reka K. Farago Dr.
Importance of Asking for Pronouns: Assessing Cultural Competency Among BSN Nursing Students, Vincent Doan, Carlee Correia, and Julie Baker-Townsend
Importance of Technology for Music Students During COVID-19, Alejandro Ledesma and Joseph Hamlet
In a Silver Bowl, Snow Piling (3 variations), Unknown
In a Silver Bowl, Snow Piling (3 variations), Unknown
In a Silver Bowl, Snow Piling (3 variations), Unknown
In Between, Philip Grieger
Increasing the Use of Permethrin to Prevent Zika Infections among University Students, Islam Khalil, Laura Yut, Kulsum Agha, Leticia Furlani Bodanese, Stephanie Barajas, Jhonsley Frederic, Andrea Catalina Silva, and William W. Darrow
Indenture (contract), Mumford and Pool
Indian Room, Hotel Seminole, Jacksonville, Florida--1
Indian Room, Hotel Seminole, Jacksonville, Florida--2
Informed Voting: Understanding the 2020 Presidential Nominees, Carter Mudgett
Inside the Zoo: Captive Giraffes’ Changes in Social Ties Throughout Membership Variations, Morgan Paige Howard
Instructional Communication Center
Interim President Pamela Chally
Interior of Cafe Albert, Jacksonville, Fla.
International Student Association Table
International Women's Year Coalition Member List, International Women's Year Coalition
Intersectional Invisibility Hypothesis and Reverse Correlation, John Francis Sperry IV
Investigating Body Dissatisfaction, Obesity, & Eating Pathology: African American Adolescent Girls & Mothers, Samantha Ronderos
Investigating the Leading Causes of Fatalities of Aging Pedestrians Using Bayesian Network Model, Luciano Lalika
Investigating the roles of the canonical Wnt and Notch signaling pathways in establishment of the tardigrade anteroposterior axis, Raul Chavarria and Frank W. Smith
Investigation of the Multidimensional Determinants of Nutritionally Risky Coping Strategies and Tradeoffs in Adults, Cheryl Marsland
Invisible Tolls of Immigration: Mental Health Among Young Immigrants, Mira Shoukry and Nuria Ibanez
Invitation: Ground Breaking Ceremonies for the John E. Mathews Jr. Computer Science Building, University of North Florida
Invitation to Jacksonville Jazz Festival Benefit Party, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Invitation to Jacksonville Jazz Festival Benefit Party, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Irish Studies at UNF Poster, Irish Studies Performance and Lecture Series
Island Rooster, 15/17, Barry E. Wilson
Israel's Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians, Bria Riepe
Italian figures, Unknown
Jacksonville 2000 Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville 2000 Aerials - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville 2000 Aerials - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville 2000 Aerials - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville 2000 Aerials - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville 2000 Aerials - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville 2000 Aerials - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville 2000 Aerials - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Alliance For Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, Jacksonville Alliance For Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
Jacksonville Art Museum – 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 16, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 17, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 19, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Art Museum – 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Downtown 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Downtown 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Electric 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville, Fla. Hotel Albert
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals Aerials - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals Aerials - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals Aerials - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals Aerials - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals Aerials - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals Aerials - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cincinnati Bengals Aerials - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Cleveland Browns - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 19, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 20, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 21, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 22, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 23, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 27, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Detroit Lions - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Houston Oilers - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Houston Oilers - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Houston Oilers - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Houston Oilers - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Houston Oilers - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Miami Dolphins - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Miami Dolphins - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Miami Dolphins - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Miami Dolphins - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 17, Lawrencev V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs New York Jets - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Pittsburgh Steelers - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Pittsburgh Steelers - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Pittsburgh Steelers - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Pittsburgh Steelers - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Seattle Seahawks - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 18, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 19, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 20, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 21, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 22, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 23, Lawrence v. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 24, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 25, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 26, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 27, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 28, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 29, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival, Jacksonville Magazine
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 17, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 19, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival 1990, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Jacksonville Jazz Festival 1990 Official Program, Jacksonville Today
Jacksonville Jazz Festival 1991, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Jacksonville Jazz Festival 1991 Official Program, Jacksonville Today
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 24, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 26, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 30, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival '86 Souvenir Program, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Jacksonville Jazz Festival - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Jazz Festival Stationery with Logo, Jacksonville Jazz Festival
Jacksonville Jazz Festival Wine Bottle Bag
Jacksonville Landing – 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 16, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 17, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 18, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 19, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 20, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Landing – 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville May 2004 Aerials – 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville May 2004 Aerials – 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville May 2004 Aerials – 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville May 2004 Aerials – 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville May 2004 Aerials – 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville May 2004 Aerials – 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville May 2004 Aerials – 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 15, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2002 Aerials – 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 – 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 – 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 – 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 – 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 – 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 – 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 – 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 Aerials – 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 Aerials – 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 Aerials – 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 Aerials – 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville November 2003 Aerials – 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville N.O.W. Position Paper on Female Health Services, National Organization for Women. Jacksonville Chapter
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 17, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 18, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 19, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 20, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 21, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 22, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 23, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 24, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 25, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 26, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 27, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 28, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 29, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 30, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 32, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 33, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 34, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 36, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 38, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 40, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 41, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 43, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 44, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 47, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 48, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Ships and Ports - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 17, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 18, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 19, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 20, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 21, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 22, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 23, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 24, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 25, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 26, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 27, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 28, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Shipyards - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Sports Complex Aerials - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 18, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 19, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 20, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 21, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 22, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 23, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Train Station - 9, Lauren V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 17, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 18, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jacksonville Zoo - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
Jaguars Commemorative Football 2015
JAXPORT Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 17, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 20, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 21, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 22, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 24, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 26, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 28, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 29, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 30, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 31, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 32, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 33, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 37, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 38, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 39, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 40, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 41, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Aerials - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Alianca Shanghai (Ship) - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Alianca Shanghai (Ship) - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Alianca Shanghai (Ship) - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Alianca Shanghai (Ship) - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Alianca Shanghai (Ship) - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Alianca Shanghai (Ship) - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Alianca Shanghai (Ship) - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 17, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Andrew Vasquez Inc./Wallenius Lines - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Australian Olympic Team Equipment - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Australian Olympic Team Equipment - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Australian Olympic Team Equipment - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Australian Olympic Team Equipment - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Australian Olympic Team Equipment - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Australian Olympic Team Equipment - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 20, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 21, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 22, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 23, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 24, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 25, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 33, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 35, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 36, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 37, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 39, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 40, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 3, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 6, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Autos Aerials - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 14, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 15, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 16, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 18, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 19, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 2, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 20, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 22, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 24, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 26, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 30, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 32, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 34, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 35, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 36, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 37, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 4, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 40, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 41, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 42, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 43, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 45, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 46, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 47, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 49, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 5, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 50, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 51, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 53, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 54, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 57, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 58, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 60, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 61, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 62, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 63, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 64, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 66, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 67, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 68, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 69, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 7, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 70, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 71, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 72, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 73, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 74, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 75, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 76, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 77, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 78, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 8, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 80, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 81, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 83, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 84, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 85, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 86, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 89, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Aerials - 9, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Environmental Aerials - 1, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Environmental Aerials - 10, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Environmental Aerials - 11, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Environmental Aerials - 12, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Environmental Aerials - 13, Lawrence V. Smith
JAXPORT Blount Island Environmental Aerials - 14, Lawrence V. Smith